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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. Thinking Rittenhouse is “a national hero” has to be the most Aggy thing ever. Dude played fake soldier, showing up uninvited to protect shit that didn’t belong to him and was none of his business. Got in a fight, ran, and then shot someone in a panic The dude then blubbered like a spoiled toddler on the witness stand, making an ass of himself in front of the whole world. Dude is a phony soldier and an emotionally stunted coward. So yeah. That’s a True Aggy Hero if I’ve ever seen one.
  2. You hate what the right wing is doing to our country? Me too. So stop just bitching about Republican shenanigans from behind a keyboard and fucking do something about it. Volunteer. Work as a poll observer. Work hotlines. Pound the pavement, hand out fliers, register voters. We have superior numbers. We have better intentions. We just need to organize and actually get off our couches to join the fight. Or we’ll continue to lose our country to fascist assholes. When I get a chance, I’ll post some links for those interested in actually pitching in. In the meantime, just Google Democratic Party volunteer opportunities.
  3. I attended the 2000, 2001, 2002 RRS games. I decided I needed a break. The next one I attended was 2011.
  4. This is my answer to the “Don’t defund the police!” crowd: why should we fund them at all? The police have absolutely no duty to do the very job we pay them to do and routinely refrain from doing their job (and instead spend their time on the clock doing things we told them not to do and creating massive public liabilities). So until that all changes and police are required to do what we hired them to do, paying them is a foolish waste of taxpayer money.
  5. Same here. I think a lot of us fit that description. It’s possible to own guns and enjoy shooting without being a fucking weirdo and injecting firearms into every aspect of your life. It’s possible to own guns without being such a pussy that you think everyday life is too dangerous without a sidearm. It’s possible to own guns while acknowledging that maybe there should be some limits as to what kinds of weapons civilians should have access to. And it’s possible to own guns while believing that maybe the world would be we better off without guns at all.
  6. “Republicans need to get smart people…” Good luck with that!
  7. Also, the AR15 cult will undoubtedly jump in on the side of fascist autocracy. The canard that Good Guys With Guns will save us from American Hitler is belied by the undeniable fact that they almost unanimously support American fascists and often say things like “You know, Hitler actually had some pretty good ideas…”
  8. America has an insecure loser problem. Gun culture is birthed from rampant feelings of inadequacy. The winners in American society don’t post photos of all their guns arranged on the floor of their exurban tract home. That’s the social media MO of our losers. Guns give a sense of power to the powerless. They’re a source of pride for those who haven’t earned it. In America, you can walk into a gun store and exchange your meager disposable income for a semi-automatic substitute for success. And you never have to do anything with those guns except own them and pose them and fantasize about all the heroic things you’d do with them in an imagined world of imminent threats. These dipshits are all Ralphie with his Red Ryder carbine. Except Ralphie grew up.
  9. BrickHorn

    Austin FC

    I’m shocked that Nick Lima substitution didn’t fix our defensive woes.
  10. Right. If you want the people of Texas to take you seriously, you should say thoughtful, productive things like “Thoughts and prayers” and “School librarians are pornographers” and “It could have been worse.”
  11. Oh hi, Mark. How’s that mental health plan coming along?
  12. Good point. So all we needed to prevent this was a cop there to arrest the shoot— Oh.
  13. So the cops decided to stay out of a building full of gunshot victims long after they determined that any risk to them had ended because… why? So they’re not only pussies, but also heartless, apathetic pieces of shit?
  14. @markstanco - What’s the ETA on a draft of your solution to the mental health issues underlying American gun violence?
  15. NSIAP: Entire U.S. Police Force Flees Country After Hearing Gunman Inside Nation
  16. @markstanco - Not letting you run away from this. What is your proposed solution to the “mental health problem” and what are you doing to implement that solution?
  17. Are you going to propose a solution to the mental health problem?
  18. We all know that. But it’s time we call the bluff. Stop allowing the right to short-circuit discussion of productive measures by vaguely invoking “mental health.” You think this is a mental health problem? Fine. Tell me how you fix it. Tell me how you fund it. Tell me your timeline for implementing it and what you’re doing to make that happen. Otherwise, sit down, shut up, and let the adults who actually want to protect our children do so.
  19. Here’s the deal, dipshit. We’ve figured out the solution. It’s gun control. You don’t like that solution? Okay, then. Propose a different one. Be specific. Tell us what your plan is for reducing gun violence without reducing the circulation of guns. Don’t just wave your hand and say “Y’all figure this mental health shit out.” If you think there’s a different way to solve this problem, tell us what that is and how you plan to implement it.
  20. In the novel American Psycho, there’s a disturbing scene — so disturbing, in fact, that it’s not included in the film adaptation. While visiting the zoo, Patrick Bateman approaches and stabs a child who had wandered off from his family. Knowing that his act need not prove fatal and that prompt medical attention could save the victim, he poses as a doctor and orders the crowd to give him and the child space. Bateman wastes vital time feigning attempts to save the child and preventing anyone who could (and who actually wanted to) help from being able to do so. It occurred to me today: the GOP is Patrick Bateman. The party’s deliberate policy choices repeatedly and predictably result in the slaughter of children. But when anyone advocates action that would prevent further tragedy, GOP politicians call them off, wielding feigned sanctimony and disingenuous pleas to respect the memory of the victims to ensure no one intervenes to prevent the murder of yet more American children. Oh, and: spoiler alert.
  21. I don’t know what I’m going to do exactly. But I can say that, unlike BamaChick, my plan doesn’t involve a bushy-pubed Limey with a broom.
  22. With all due respect, fuck you and the majority of your family.
  23. Republicans to crass Democrats: “Stop making gun violence political!”
  24. GOP: We would have no gun violence if we just believed in God. Also GOP: I believe in God and will shoot all the sheriffs.
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