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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. What they meant is that if the guy sleeping with hundreds of women every year has AIDS, then you can get it too because odds are high that your girlfriend was one of those hundreds.
  2. It’s a difficult choice. The surest way to defuse the powder keg is to let the rightwing power-grab plan play out. The right is far more likely to start a civil war if they don’t get their way. But how shitty would it be to live in an oppressive (but at least not war-torn) white nationalist state? On the other hand, we could enforce the rules and resist the attempted coups. But that greatly increases the risk that the right will start shooting and the government’s ability to enforce its rules diminishes. How much faith do we have in the US military and the police to side with democracy and constitutional principles when doing so favors the left wing? Senior officers, sure. But the bulk of enlisted troops are from deep red rural America. You think they’re gonna be cool shooting their hunting buddies from back home, the ones they rabidly agree with about politics and culture? We’re in a really fucked up predicament at the moment. Centrists and liberals generally don’t understand how ripe conditions are for a civil war. And they don’t understand how mentally prepared is the far (and even not so far) right, which practically views civil war as the inevitable fulfillment of prophecy.
  3. The concern is about more than voting. Mass political violence typically requires a catalyst. A political faction needs some traumatic event to rally around. The fear is that this search and any subsequent prosecution could serve that role.
  4. I guess that may be true, if you are a stupid person who defines “political” as “literally anything done to or by a politician.”
  5. “Open up! We have a warrant to search the premises for tacky decor and elderly people eating mediocre food in a depressing banquet room.”
  6. Man. As much as I hate the direction Texas is taking, I worry that all this politically-driven migration is going to further divide us into factions. It’s not good when politics align closely with geography, religion, and ethnicity. That dynamic often leads to civil war. I’m tempted to move somewhere purple or slightly red, but with a working class that could still be convinced that fascism is a terrible idea. Maybe the upper Midwest or something. Find a place with good people who have lost their way, and start a program to build community and civic mindedness. Give folks from all walks of life a healthy alternative to fascist rallies, someplace where they can find community and identity, but maybe use their brains a bit and expand their empathy and understanding instead of yelling stupid angry shit in a mindless call-and-response emceed by a human turd. I don’t know. It sounds nuts but I really don’t know what else to do other than run for the liberal hills. Which only makes the overall situation that much worse, and makes it less likely that leftist enclaves will be safe for very long.
  7. I think Bankston’s theory is that the possibility that the cap would be overturned on appeal has value that can be considered by the bankruptcy court. So maybe they argue there’s a 20% chance that they can prevail on appeal and thus collect the full $45M punitive award, allowing them to collect $9M through bankruptcy. But I’m way out over my skis here. tl;dr - the bankruptcy stunt may prove to be an all-time backfire for Jones.
  8. Stelter: “Tell is the number one trick [Alex Jones] employs.” Dan: “Ah…. making things up.”
  9. The Knowledge Fight hosts are on with Stelter right now and the chyrons and Stelter’s questions are taunting Jones. “You all have made a career out of skewering Alex Jones.” This might cause Alex’s head to literally explode.
  10. BrickHorn

    Austin FC

    All of this. Terrible substitutions cost us two points.
  11. Duh. Because that shit is two weeks away from happening, dummy.
  12. Those are grown adults, presumably with paying jobs and responsibilities. They likely have drivers licenses, allowing them to operate motor vehicles at high speeds on public roads. They may be raising children. Hell some of them might be employed by the state to teach other people’s children. And yet they literally believe that angels exist and can be summoned to physically protect them “in battle.” It’s a miracle the human species has lasted this long. On the whole, we’re fucking lunatics.
  13. Alex has claimed repeatedly, on air, that he has paid for something like 10 abortions. It’s almost certainly bullshit but still: GOD-FEARING CHRISTIAN!
  14. Okay, but what about these exceptions given Alex’s litigation misconduct that was severe enough to warrant default judgment on liability? § 52-245 False statement concerning a defense. Double costs, if judgment in favor of plaintiff and court is of the opinion that defendant filed an affidavit or made a statement without just cause or for purpose of delay. (Discretionary with the court.) § 52-568 Groundless or vexatious suit or defense in any civil action. Double damages if suit or defense without probable cause. Treble damages if suit or defense without probable cause and with malicious intent unjustly to vex and trouble. (Mandatory.)
  15. Yikes. I did not realize that. Well… lesson learned for the CT lawyers: prove up specific, quantifiable actual damages. Use the “Alex is a reckless asshole” stuff as a confidence booster for the jury, so they have no qualms about awarding the highest amount of actuals they can justify.
  16. Roger Stone is Randall Flagg. Change my mind.
  17. I hadn’t heard about that book. It’s on my list now. Thanks for the rec.
  18. The appellate nerds should weigh in, but it sounds like there are decent arguments that the cap is unconstitutional as it applies to jury trials.
  19. This has to scare the living shit out of him with respect to the Connecticut lawsuit. If I’m Jones (but somehow not a moron, so this is purely hypothetical), I look at this as a very expensive mock trial for Connecticut. And I am now thinking long and hard about settling that one.
  20. I’m kind of surprised, given only 10 signed the actual damages award. But this reflects that Bankston & Co. did a hell of a job showing Alex is an asshole. The jury wanted to punish him. They just didn’t think the plaintiffs actually suffered $150M in damages. At least that’s my theory.
  21. Nah. I do think I should have done something meaningful, though. Like physics. Or political science. Or inventing a time machine and traveling back to prevent the Charlie Strong era.
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