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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BigHorn'13

  1. Aaaaand that's where regardless of who is hired, I've lost all faith in Herman. Well that and the obsessive need for 11 personnel. Now to your point, the "one point victory" hurts us more because of the conference we play in. It makes zero fucking sense Herman gets all aggressive on 4th downs then turtles with a lead in the 4th. While everyone else can score quickly, we take pride in our 10+ play drive that may or may not result in points, dependent upon the opposing DC sobriety that day and Herman's feel of himself and his binder. Everyone seems really stoked about the OC hire. Seems to me more of the same and Herman's conduct and attitude since confirms it. Yurcich is probably a good hire but just as Tom said, he's never going to remove himself completely from the offense. Whether it's flipping off cameras or not wanting to "appease the masses," Herman is smarter than all of us and we should be oh so gracious to be in his mere presence. He made changes only HE felt were necessary. Not ones people have been screaming at him for the past 3 seasons. So we'll continue to be in plenty of game winning field goal drives against competition we shouldn't be in. We'll probably lose a couple of games due to moronic play calling and game planning. Guaranfuckingteed whomever we play the week after ou will be unnecessarily painful without even looking at the schedule. And the same people telling us know nothings to quit being pussies and have faith will be the first ones to go "See!!! Told ya so!!! Should've fired him last year!"
  2. Dear Baylor, Hahahhahahahhaahahhahahahahahhahahahahha Hahahahahahahahahahahahhshahahahahahahhahah. Sincerely, Karma P.s
  3. She's gotta have one helluva clam to sport that. Not exactly my taste but I won't be able to look at her the same way now, and that's a good thing.
  4. BigHorn'13


    Well then you've got your answer. Also, I've yet to come across fake Colorado ones, only Cali. Doesn't mean they're not out there but anything I've gotten from there has been on point. I think Dabwoods is from there but not certain. Those are fucking delicious and the wood tip (no homo) really sets it off but alas, I've seen the empty carts for sale online. ETA-- is that the "bad" box you were describing? If so, I agree.
  5. BigHorn'13


    Just about to post the same thing. And don't take it personal. Unless you're going to a legal state, it's probably not what it's supposed to be. But again, doesn't mean you won't get high. Just means it's most likely cut, hopefully with flavored terps you can literally buy on Amazon (just try searching for banana kush terps or even Dank and Brass Knuckles [2 popular cartridges that are frequently knocked off] cartridges.) The liquid is the biggest indicator. That bubble shouldn't move unless you've been vaping the shit out of it, because then the concentrate is heated and less viscous. The other problem I would have is the packaging. There's nothing on the packaging that's tamper proof. In fact, one looks kinda beat up already but that could just be from opening and transport. Ultimately, how much do you trust your guy? That's pretty much the ultimate question with any dealer though, I guess. This is why I stopped fucking with those. Too much bunk shit out there and I wound up getting sick with some type of respiratory infection twice. Don't know if it came from carts or not but I just got tired of all the risk. TLDR-- stick to flower or better yet, get yourself a couple of those concentrates pictured above, buy a small amount of nicotine- free vape juice and empty cartridges, then make your own. Not that difficult plus you can have more control over what you're vaping.
  6. Dunno man... If there were ever a "fuck bear" kind of man...
  7. BigHorn'13


    Homer Simpson drooling.gif
  8. Looks to me like his movers said "fuck yo pool table and marble, bitch!" but cocaine can't be ruled out with that guy. I guess I'd have to see a hoarder's house done in good taste to agree with you. I'm constantly trying to get rid of the wife's (no pics) shit and we've got maybe a quarter of the miscellaneous garb around the house because, "decor." If you're that rich, you can get a couple of storage units. Or better yet, buy another house and hoard that one with all the useless crap one's little heart desires. Wait... maybe we're looking at THAT house?
  9. BigHorn'13


    It's fair, just beware it's likely fake. Doesn't mean it won't get you high, just trying to set expectations. Also, if you turn it upside down and the liquid moves, I wouldn't fuck with it (stopped fucking with them, regardless.) Good shit has high viscosity so the air bubble shouldn't move much at all. If you get one, take a picture of it in its packaging and without. I'll be able to tell you fairly confidently if it's some bunk or not.
  10. Agree. Sad part is is that it's a nice house, just full of stupid shit. I get being able to buy whatever you want but holy fuck. Where's the floor space? I put the over/under on the amount of times I trip over/ bump into something at 5 times per day.
  11. The "fuck bear" turned around with a furry clown's nose on its ass
  12. This is the general point I was trying to make yesterday and hopefully this post isn't cloaky. I'd discussed this with my wife last night because she hadn't heard about it yet. Her immediate reaction (after the oh nos, how many?) was, "oh you would've shot that guy no question." It was the perfect time to reinforce restraint and responsibility (she wants a CCL, I've convinced her she's not ready) so I quickly replied, "not necessarily." My explanation was that the only way (from the video) I would've even drawn is if we were sitting in those top rows with the shooter. The only reason I'd consider firing is once he turned back towards the crowd. Any other situation in where we're seated, I'm getting my family down and/or out as soon as possible. Again the risk for something to go wrong is increasing with each action you take carrying a gun. To Zepol's point, most of those you see at the end pulling their gats out when the shooter has already been neutralized with at least 2 armed individuals approaching to ensure the threat is no more, those are not "good guys with guns." Those people are crash dummies that are trying to fulfill their one fantasy of the time they got to pull they 9 out, and shouldn't be allowed to carry. I can understand having it out pointed towards the ground in one hand, cell phone with 911 in the other, and keeping your head on a swivel for any other threats if you're a member of the church's security team. All that other shit is playing cowboy. TLDR-- not all of us who carry are Yosemite Sam or wannabe LEO/ military and know you need to "flight" at all costs before you consider a "fight."
  13. That was the point. If it's somewhere I can avoid or if I can disarm safely before entering, I will. Not rebelling without a cause here....
  14. If I don't feel safe disarming myself in the parking lot for whatever reason or like when I dropoff/pickup my son at school (has special needs so I have to actually go inside, briefly), yes, I keep going about my business. Now that's not to say I'd try and do it in a courthouse or airport or something. My view is that in simply carrying a gun, risk inherently grows for something to go wrong. However, that risk is minimized (in my mind) the more it sits concealed on my hip. That'll make some feel uncomfortable and I can appreciate why. I guess you can take solace in the fact that if we're in an active shooter situation, you're probably still going to get shot unless you're behind me and a gun is pointed in our direction. I'm mr. protect his and his family, not a superhero.
  15. It's weird that I won't attend any church without packing, and try to avoid (sometimes outright ignore if unavoidable) places where I have to disarm before entering. But we're living in one weird, fucked up world, so...
  16. I may be a little fucked up right now but... username checks out?
  17. Yes and I guess you've missed all of it.
  18. It's really fucking simple, actually. Tom Herman is an arrogant narcissist of the highest order. He has blatantly obvious issues as a HC but likes to argue otherwise until proven wrong. Many elite coaches are arrogant narcissist with blatantly obvious issues as head coaches, but they're elite because they continuously win. Tom Herman has gone 7-6, 10-4, and 7-5 at Texas, all while being a prick to the players he coaches, the coaches he wrongfully employs, and "the masses" of which are supposed to support him. Ergo Tom Herman is not an elite coach and his continued presence as our HC has some of us thinking 2020 will be (50/50 at best) a wasted season when we inevitably fire the asshole because he can't win, and refuses to acknowledge the reasons why he can't.
  19. The natives are starting to turn on him. https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3085477 "He takes terrible angles. " lol
  20. Suddenly everyone's surly-ness makes a little more sense...
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