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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. your lack of conference loyalty is disturbing.
  2. i'm shocked your coaching staff is even letting fields practice. if you announce your leaving the team you might as well pack your locker. we've been lucky this year to avoid the rash of pussification we experienced last year with 5-6 perfectly healthy players, all studs, deciding to sit out due to money/draft concerns. and we still managed to beat missouri. none of them were seniors either. this year, all the players seem to be hanging around. should have a decent team next year. the only transfers are non-starters so won't be a factor, and early draft departures, and no one sitting out the game for pussified draft/money fears. as for injuries, we did have a couple of guys out for the season right around the big12 championship game. they had playing time, but won't be huge losses for this game. looks like we'll be as healthy as we've been all season. i may be delusional but believe our players can hang with yours man to man. not a concern there. my only concern is if herman, beck, and orlando can come up with a brilliant game plan. that's been our weakness this year is coaching. putting players in the right positions. we can win the game if we call the right plays.
  3. fun game to watch. old school throwback. great win for tcu and the big12. let's hope bu keeps the train rolling tonight.
  4. any other big losses for this game on your side? transfers, injuries, early draft enrollees, etc?
  5. okay, fine. so they have one 5-star wr on campus. i'm just trying to keep it real. there was a georgia fan on here last week saying they substitute 5 stars with 5 stars. that's not really true. let's not panic. with proper coaching and game plan we can beat these guys.
  6. i'm not sure where you are getting your perception. georgia has signed no 5-star wr's going back to through 2014. zero. zilch. nada.
  7. that may be, but i don't think you have the edge there. your edge is in the running game. if we can somehow stop the run and force you to throw we will win this game. you will not beat us passing. that's just my prediction and the way i am seeing it today. come gametime you guys could toast us for 500 yds passing for all i know. on paper, right now though, i don't see you passing on us.
  8. do you think your wr's have come in contact with db's as physical as ours? i'd wager to say not. we get burned a lot, but when we hit you're not going to like it. your passing attack is far below the level we've played all season, so i do not see this being as big a factor in this game. georgia can run the ball, and that's their strength and our weakness. this is the ball game, imo, when you have the ball at least.
  9. this is the same douchebag that stopped the land bill package from being passed last night.
  10. unfortunately, nymphs are pretty much the only way to fly fish in the guad. I've caught many. was a member of grtu for 10-20 years but let my membership lapse the last couple of years.
  11. with all those freshmen receivers, it's like they plan on starting to pass the ball soon. i wonder when that will happen.
  12. hager goes 100 mph on every play but damn if he isn't in the wrong place at the wrong time on every play. getting owned is nothing new. he tries hard though, and he'll make a couple of tackles. he's not worthless, he's just not a menace.
  13. What are you, 12? No, ludicrousness doesn't make for good television. It makes for ludicrous television. Believability makes for good television. If I want fantasy or escapism I'll watch Game of Thrones. And no, the way it was handled is far from realistic and is far from typical company policy. When a supervisor is accused of inappropriate contact, they don't transfer the victim to another department. The supervisor is no longer a supervisor. That's the case in every corporate environment, and would think it would be even moreso in a prison setting. If this prison's security was that lax, it's a shock there weren't more problems or escapes.
  14. Our DL will lock up their OL, freeing the safeties and corners to blitz. Fromm is going down.
  15. I'd be willing to pay a finders fee if anyone knows of some BTAC in Austin.
  16. I think we are getting closer to the answer. The black dude was the first member of management we've met. Mira wanting his files, and whenever they turn up, will shed some light on what management is up to.
  17. drumsticks/thighs/wings. all dark, all the time.
  18. How is next week the final episode with 6 players left? two players eliminated, and 4 taken to final tribal?
  19. you can't count or what? nyd is 17 days away.
  20. this is exactly what we are going to do, and if we do why we will lose.
  21. brand new one at 45/130 intersection.
  22. This has turned out to be a great season. The last 5-6 tribals have been fascinating. They made the observation last night that there are no alliances, that they are made each week, then broken and start all over fresh the next week. Also, I think it was Mike that pointed out that there are no grudges, and nothing is taken personal. They go back to camp after tribal and all are willing to work with each other the following week. For about 4 weeks, Angelina and Allison were a vote away from going home, so close. Now they are in the thick of it and for all we know could actually win this thing. Davie and Nick are playing the hardest, so the most deserving. Then Mike. The girls are all weak and playing timidly.
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