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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. there's a whole library of them in the back of that pizza parlor. that's the rumor anyway.
  2. I'm enjoying it, a lot, but have no clue what the fuck is going on anymore.
  3. that looks like you checked all the boxes - cabbage, collards, black-eyed peas, cornbread. i did it up in similar fashion, except my cabbage was in the form of cole slaw on pulled pork sandwiches.
  4. ease up on the koolaid bro. it's a word used for 11 pt underdogs that jump up and bite you in the ass.
  5. you have a point, but it was still funny. it was like rubbing salt in their wound. they felt slighted that they weren't a top 4 team, when really we exposed them as not even a top 5 team. their pride got stomped on last night and the chant adds to their embarrassment.
  6. What a great win. Loved the "over-rated" chant. Were the longhorn fans also chanting "sec" right before that in some kind of sarcasm? Seems like I heard it but couldn't figure out if it was Georgia or Texas fans chanting it. We had a lot of seniors on this team. Hopefully all the juniors come back (yes, I'm talking to you Collin and LJ). Will be interesting to see how the team looks next year. With Nelson gone, our DL looks really small. Would be nice to pick up a Stoney Clark/Chris Akins type of motherfucker. 4 1000 yd rushers in 2 years is amazingly impressive. Nice run for Georgia. They definitely didn't expect the dogfight we gave them. They walked in entitled like Texas has done for decades and got bit by a pesky underdog. Welcome to the club assholes. Whoever is hungriest takes it, and we were hungrier last night.
  7. I put your mom's botanicals in the thumper last night.
  8. agreed. she might have stepped in and saved the day in fact. would not sit well if she goes home.
  9. why would you say that? the food might come out okay, and that's all they are on the hook for. the front of house looks like chaos at all three places. i think that should be the first team member to exit. asian chick reminds me of what old people say about multitasking - if you do two things at once, you do both of them halfass. she seems to have fucked up both her responsibilities. even if the ice cream does turn out, the name of her dessert is "chocolate". wtf? and then pompadour dude rights an entire fucking tome for a service manual, knowing the staff is there for 5-minute standup orders only. no one has time to read a manual. never been done before. what was he thinking?
  10. the big12 is my conference. i root for all the conference teams. i want all 10 teams to make a bowl, and win them. i want them to go 30-0 in noncon games, i would love for two big12 teams to play for the nc. i would love to see 8 big12 teams in the college world series, all the basketball teams to make the tourney, and 4 of them to make the final 4. i root for usa in the olympics too, but you probably wouldn't understand that either. on a side note, what kind of fucking texan worth his salt roots for vanderbilt?
  11. especially since he missed last years bowl too, and it cost them the win. really disappointed in all players that skip the bowl game to protect their delicate constitution.
  12. Way to go Baylor. Another great win for the Big12. Let's go 7-0 baby!
  13. you'll have a great time. a weekend isn't that long there. you aren't asking for lodging suggestions so must have that in the bag already. for restaurants, i like der lindenbaum for authentic german (otto's is new to me, so haven't been), the nest, august e's, navajo grill, hilltop. the nest would be a nice, romantic dinner. the winery tasting rooms are great. becker was a nice experience. it would take a week to hit them all. if you're planning on spending any time walking/shopping main street, you'll be doing good to hit four, so choose wisely.
  14. things aren't looking good for hot southern chick's team. should have known when she bragged about what a great team it was. looks like asian chick dropped the ball on front of the house and still won't get her ice cream ready. black dude is imploding. this is just what i'm gathering by the first episode, for all i know they knock the shit out of the park. i don't like restaurant wars being this early or with three restaurants. i hear tom saying this is the worst restaurant wars ever but it's 100% on bravo. stupid idea.
  15. is this a joke? you bought vodka to make gin?
  16. but wouldn't it be more fair if it the ball is marked where it touches him out of bounds. why does the ball get automatically placed 20 yds ahead of where he touched it?
  17. What do you got? Menus, cocktails, tv, entertainment, etc? What do you usually do, what will you be doing this year? I usually pop the champagne around 10 nye, and then have another bottle on nyd. nye for me revolves around flipping channels between all the nye shows on tv, watching any and all bowl games that are on, and checking out the fireworks from my balcony. should be nice fireplace weather this year too. I'm undecided what I will make for a nice meal that night. have in the past done prime rib, fried oysters, etc. Am thinking this year might be pulled pork with spicy cole slaw. nyd is black-eyed pea dip, great for bowl games. usually fried oysters too, but uncertain about the meal that day also. need to come up with something special for the sugar bowl that night.
  18. Bizarre play to start the game was an omen of the bizarre game to come. beautiful kickoff by tcu comes to a dead stop around the 6. but the cal player touches it from out of bounds so they get it at the 35. wtf? should have been half the distance the other way, not a penalty in their favor. what a messed up rule.
  19. I grew up in that neighborhood and know it well. It did go in the shitter in the late 90's/early 2000's. It will come back, just like the East End did. Huge houses, huge lots, close proximity to downtown/I45/610, low prices.
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