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honolulu horn

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Everything posted by honolulu horn

  1. Swoopes....errrr, Jefferson....is pretty tough once he gets going
  2. God I would love to see the pigs score here and really start putting this thing away early.
  3. Man it feels good to be comfortably ahead in the 2nd quarter. FINALLY
  4. WW2 recruit: "I want to fight to protect America from its enemies. Hitler's killing thousands of people? I'll storm Normandy." Gulf War recruit: "I want to fight to protect America from its enemies. Al Qaeda's killing thousands of people? I'll fight them in Afghanistan." Current anti-vaxxer recruits: "I want to fight to protect America from its enemies. COVID's killed more people than any singular war in American history? I am scared to get a shot. I want to go home without consequences."
  5. Damn that yellow shirt didn't fuck around one iota. Finish the order, place it on the counter, cave the intruder's skull to pieces. This is the one dude that could actually fight a bear and win.
  6. I am not familiar with that part of Africa, but it seems to be in just looking at a map that most of the African coastline that would be most directly impacted is in the Western Sahara, which as I understand is pretty sparsely populated. I'm sure it would affect parts of Morocco and possible Mauritania and Senegal, but it seems like the brunt would be in the WS. Am I wrong?
  8. If he doesn't talk then Echo will do it. Between the two of them it's like listening to a fucking hairdryer next to my ear.
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