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honolulu horn

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Everything posted by honolulu horn

  1. Of course they are -- living in Southern Cal vs Oklahoma is a no brainer.
  2. Hope somebody gets the gif of the blonde screaming "Fuck Oklahoma" at the on field victory celebration
  3. You'll need to post more pics of your avatar to get an answer.
  4. Lowell is a twitter generation announcer. Talks all about stats and trends but does next to no actual play-by-play. If you were listening without watching you'd have absolutely no idea what was happening. It's like listening to a podcast. "So and so is averaging 10.2 on the season" or some such crap. Any attempt at play-by-play has him describing something that happened several seconds ago. Listening to Craig Way (or another competent "in the moment" announcer) calling basketball is so night and day from Lowell's lazy jabbering.
  5. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I like Blanks. Plus he doesn't take any shit from Lowell, which is especially entertaining.
  6. Agreed -- I think our defense is making their offense resort to some bad threes.
  7. Fortunately Shaka Smart seems to be coaching the offense for CBU.
  8. Carr's defense and assists are so good. Hope he finds his offense at some point soon, because then he's going to be absolutely dominant.
  9. That loop makes it look like Biden is saying, "C'mon Mom."
  10. Yeah, Noory took over for Art Bell many years ago. Sometimes they still play old Art Bell segments on the show. The show is still on most every night. Here's a summary of last night's show: Spiritual teacher Jason Shurka discussed powerful ancient codes introduced by TLS, a mysterious group of humans and aliens. Followed by metaphysical teacher RJ Spina on the principles of accessing higher states of consciousness. And here's what's on tap for tonight: First Half: Writer and teacher Elana Freeland researches the accounts of survivors of MK-ULTRA, ritual abuse, and directed energy weapons. She is best known for her book: Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth and will discuss the ways technology is being used to potentially dominate the population. Second Half: Author Peter Muise has been exploring New England legends, folklore, and weird traditions for 20 years. He'll talk about his work with New England folklore including origins around Thanksgiving, as well as hauntings, paranormal activity, and witches and warlocks of Massachusetts.
  11. I worked in New Jersey State Prison for a few years. A dad and his son were both incarcerated there for a mob-related murder. They lived in separate units. I was talking to the son, who was complaining about his current cellmate, and I asked him about bunking with his father. He replied, "Can you imagine anything worse than waking up every day in prison and seeing your dad?" Fair point.
  12. If you haven't listened to Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, you should give it a listen. It's exactly this for 3 hours every night. People say the craziest most delusional crap and George is always nonplussed, quietly asking them if they've read similar works by so-and-so author or if they've been influenced by the tremendous work in the field of whatever crackpot BS the guest is spinning (powers of pyramidal healing, Sasquatch, time travel, alien telepathy, mind-propelled energy fields, whatever). It's amazing.
  13. So many shitbags in that story. Sounds like Rollison and Art Briles would have some good laughs together.
  14. Would be better suited for https://www.coasttocoastam.com
  15. My parenting has changed because of this show. It's fantastic.
  16. Carr's passing / assist game is SO beautiful
  17. He's brought out the hezzie in the hizzy, has he?
  18. Is this Lowell? It doesn't sound like him.
  19. I'm using this one, posted on the longhorn nation reddit. Not sure if it is stable, but it's working for now: http://www.blueflag.ga/2021/11/4b862a29.html?m=1
  20. Thank God for basketball season and for Chris Beard.
  21. Real life Skeletor in that video. Jesus.
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