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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goofyboy

  1. They have moved on to gear up for gay marriage being over turned and then segregated schools.
  2. Just got interesting enough to keep going
  3. Sorry about the house. Glad you’re ok. Welcome back.
  4. They aren’t reformed. The other guy let one of the Proud Boy members sleep in his basement for a while. They are sorry it didn’t work. They are sorry they are getting punished. They should still hang.
  5. Can we throw in the US Southwest, since they’re going to be really thirsty soon?
  6. Minus the porpoising issues, yes. The next couple of races will be interesting With RedBull and Ferrari having to adjust their floors.
  7. We are looking there as well. That said, we might just travel around for a couple of years and then settle.
  8. Our turn. Looking for a pool builder on the west side of Houston (south of Katy).
  9. Morning! My sister and I have our family lake house under contract. Since it’s a vacation home we will have to pay capital gains. We inherited the place in 2018. Is there anyone on here that can get me the fair market value of it from back then? Are tax values good enough? Thanks!
  10. Apparently there was an insane protest at the race. Climate activist ran on the track on lap one. If the race had not been red flagged, that could have been terrible. https://apple.news/A3OHBu3SeTSecmpsQlIDQFw
  11. Are stores getting more in? Are they easier to find now?
  12. You and I seem to have similar plans. I think we are moving up our time line some. Sell the wife’s business in the next 3-4 years - start the golden visa process in Europe - most likely Portugal. Canada is still an option as well, but they don’t have a buy your way in anymore. Is anyone worried about the US freezing assets to keep people here?
  13. No. Call it what it is White Nationalist Christian Extremists. Or - our future fascist overlords.
  14. I believe you are correct. I tried to go edit, but option is gone.
  15. Was this posted?? We have a QAnon moron for a Justice: “They object on religious grounds to all available COVID–19 vaccines because they were developed using cell lines derived from aborted children,” Justice Clarence Thomas said of the petitioners. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images From here: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/30/clarence-thomas-claims-covid-vaccines-are-derived-from-the-cells-of-aborted-children-00043483
  16. Biden should also go after Collins and remind her constantly that Kav and ACB lied to her.
  17. It would be nice if they just decided to beat them at their own fucking game. Pack the courts with leftists. Play dirty. Fuck - do anything besides be door mats for the end of free and fair elections and the environment and womens rights…
  18. I have a watch I wear a couple of times a week. I use a winder so I don’t wear out the crown / screw setting the time / date every four or 5 days.
  19. The GOP is going to raise your taxes. Rick Scott laid it out in his plans. They want to raise taxes on the middle class. The “but my taxes” issue Is going out the window. Trump and the Republicans lowered your taxes for two or three years and they have gone or will go back up. They permanently cut taxes on the wealthiest 1%. Your taxes are going up in Texas under 20 years of Republican control and they can’t keep the lights on. We have an AG in Texas that wants to enforce sodomy laws. He won’t stop there. Remember, there is no bottom (ha!). What more does it take to get Republicans to see they are absolutely being played??
  20. He’s not voting. He’s already stated that. Just up thread he said Brisket basically convinced him. It’s about the best we can do for some. My father is one that will not vote democrat. He’s old (88?). The best I’ve gotten him to do is quit voting.
  21. That’s a start. Also, unless your kids are in private school, they aren’t getting the best education. You’d have done better in a different section of our neighborhood.
  22. That’s laughable. As soon as the GOP is in charge again, they will run roughshod over the US, using federal powers and the Court will side with them in anything and everything. We are fucked. It’s just a matter of time.
  23. Fuck Em. They’re actively lying in decisions. They deserve everything they have coming to them. Hell, one is married to a fucking traitor.
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