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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. We need to walk their freshman catcher every time.
  2. The AN12 is a loud sumbitch. Cavok Air used to fly IAH to Managua on a regular basis. It would fly over Galveston around 6am. Like a Piaggio, there’s no mistaking what’s flying overhead. Loud!
  3. Finally somebody was sitting on the 82mph change up.
  4. It’s only 300 down the RF line but all of those nukes looked legit.
  5. Lat22


    Go find your damn quiver!
  6. Those cockfucks. Props to Martinez though. Shouldn’t have come to that.
  7. How am I ever going to get to Gold Rush: White Water?
  8. Doran would have been on the bag.
  9. Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies.
  10. That’s two bat flips on walks.
  11. I thought Fraser was going to have to pull that guy in the first inning.
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