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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. No shit. This game counts and we have fans asking questions between pitches.
  2. He didn’t want to ride the lightning.
  3. Was this a biological female dressed like a man or a biological male dressed as a woman? I honestly have no idea and nobody in the media is making it clear.
  4. I recognized that neighborhood as soon as I saw the video. I know you did too.
  5. Dammit. I like Sarah.
  6. Thanks. I’ll leave him alone to digest whatever is in his belly. Probably frog.
  7. Is this a harmless diamondback water snek? Y’all have about 5 minutes to confirm before I dispatch him.
  8. Shit. I don’t need an X-ray. His reaction tells it all.
  9. “He never knew what her calls might bring……….”
  10. How about we win our first game before worrying about a second? ACU anybody?
  11. Is that the lot where all the trucks get stolen? 😆
  12. The last time I hit the bar at that Holiday Inn, Jose Lima had just thrown a gem in the Astrodome.
  13. I didn’t go to school until the Grand Prize Game was over.
  14. If you need anything, give me a call.
  15. It absolutely should happen. Morehouse should know that it needs to be done.
  16. This is a piss poor team. Get ready for a long season.
  17. These Fullerton idiots are going to be shocked when Pierce comes back out.
  18. Charged with reckless driving, racing (and I’m sure he was sober) and killed two people. Those are misdemeanors?
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