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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pacman

  1. Oklahoma is a bit ahead of Texas but we won't be far behind...
  2. When DeSantis talks about chowing down on road meat, he is not talking about meatball subs.
  3. Who has "begging illegal immigrants to ignore laws they pass" on their Florida bingo card?
  4. Under the no shit category but good to have these things officially on record somewhere...
  5. Amazing work young man! Hook 'Em.
  6. Abbott: Create Task Force. Ignore recommendations and do nothing.
  7. TEA appointed Miles removing librarians because all they do is check out books.
  8. They also don't have to worry about trying to win games or titles...
  9. turns out stop the steal was real after all #everyAccusationIsAConfession
  10. Last time I fucked her in the ass, her panties were labeled Caroline Esther
  11. You just knew Baylor had to get in on this trend...
  12. small ut tyler poll of less than 700 Miller Education Center in Stephenville, Christian school pre-k through 8th. Debra Miller is also president of the school. Not the first time he has used his position to promote the interests of his wife's school.
  13. I take it she was accurate...
  14. Sounds like Licht needs the soul dipped un dogshit surly treatment
  15. So, we are investigating advertising campaigns now? If so, I really want to put an end to Scott Elder and his extremely poor advertising decisions! It's been going on for decades and must be stopped.
  16. pacman


    Won't even have to pay them for that task ....they will handle it voluntarily..
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