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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pacman

  1. lol Trump family pulled in Billions from Authoritarian governments, adversaries to the US, during and immediately after his administration. But, it is the Biden family syndicate. Every accusation is an admission of guilt.
  2. has been critical of Trump, and supported others who were critical as well. he did support desantis though. And his twitter is just silly pandering
  3. It's the exact theory Q would put forth had the attempt been on Biden. The guy shoots like a storm trooper.
  4. Yeah, but Proud Boys have minority members and macho "do not hide your face" rules.
  5. Their faces after they get absolutely castrated live...
  6. That is from the gofundme for Stormy Daniels
  7. Sending death threats and shooting horses, Make America Deranged Again (taken from the gofundme for Stormy)
  8. Tapper had to remove his false stories on biden today..Obama saw him for what he was long ago
  9. Cue ny times stating Trump should step down from running for President *eyeroll
  10. Even Barrett disagrees with that bit of desperate nonsense
  11. George Washington, "This is bullshit! Where can we setup new colonies to flee the King of USA?"
  12. sotomayor et all need to keep throwing haymakers. I do enjoy how the conservatives assume liberals will always be too principled or incompetent to pull this same shit in the future
  13. Let not he who has had his ass licked by a dog, during coitus on the floor, throw the first stone! Pretty sure that was your story from shaggy Not on purpose, of course..of course!
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