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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pacman

  1. It is always odd to me these far right dumbasses never see the other side of the coin with their bullshit. I guess they assume Democrats are too pussy to pull something like this off.
  2. No, but that is not a proper representation of Christian Nationalist. A Christian Nationalist only believes people who think and look like them have those rights. They are happy to remove natural rights for anybody different from them and are giddy to use the government to do it.
  3. So, how many usb ports we talking here? Infinite? Count me in!
  4. pacman


    Just turned 16. Not valued by any of the adults in their life. Tortured by classmates taught to hate by a bigoted town of adults. They deserved better.
  5. pacman

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Glad to see Murphy get rewarded. He has been a hard working force from day one.
  6. not surprising, but good to see a visual linking the right-wing propaganda machine to russia
  7. In Florida, you need parent permission to attend a book reading of a book written by....checks notes because it sounds absurd....an African American.
  8. The religious camp Kanakuk sexual abuse story is expanding..along with the Hunt's role in covering up, supporting the camp while bullying victims
  9. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2022/05/27/sex-abuse-kanakuk-christian-camp-missouri-peter-newman/9907577002/ Get the rich on your side, sexually assault everyone else with impunity
  10. Right on queue https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-attorney-poisoned-pregnant-wife-abortion-medication-sentenced-18-rcna138065
  11. Man, her response is a piece of work. "Just shared an advertisement..." "Never claimed the student was a boy" No shit. You clearly implied it. Then, this cunt comments on the poor girls "build" in her "apology" and then blames society without an ounce of dignity or self-awareness. "Wasn't her intention" though this is not the first time an individual has received threats after her posts.
  12. Have their been any projections on how much ole miss is spending on these transfers? If so, how much?
  13. https://spanberger.house.gov/posts/roll-call-these-lawmakers-are-still-invested-in-banning-congressional-stock-trades Ole Johnson is quiet on the issue
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