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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pacman

  1. https://www.vox.com/scotus/2023/6/30/23779903/supreme-court-student-loan-biden-nebraska-john-roberts
  2. And they haven't had a legit passing offense since Jimbo's first year with the program
  3. You were probably thinking of Roberto Alomar, which is a correct answer.
  4. Well, that should put the nail in the coffin. This greedy bastard just can't resist a grift.
  5. Personally, if you want to find fault, you have to start with the Colorado Civil Rights Commission. They got duped and should have squashed the complaint as false from the start. It doesn't sound like they plan to make any changes to this practice either.
  6. pacman

    USMNT 2023

    former youth forward who used to score a lot of goals in Academy..
  7. got 9/9, took a good while though fun challenge. thanks
  8. Is this a new level of blowing a political race by DeSantis? He might set the standard for tanking.
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