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TrashMaster G

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Everything posted by TrashMaster G

  1. Is this real? Citation, please. Perry is a shithead, so it doesn't shock me.
  2. Ou fans are toothless yokels who like to fuck their sisters, but they at least have a grip on reality. aggy are a bunch of delusional sheep-fuckers with a litany of ridiculous traditions and have never accomplished shit.
  3. The Texas a&m Forest Service IS the state agency. They insisted on putting their name on it so they would get credit.
  4. In their tiny minds, they are the biggest and bestest and richest university in the land and everyone else is just .... less. Yes, they're stupid.
  5. "Ran out of time" is the preferred term.
  6. That pup has a choice: actor or soccer player.
  7. Wrong again. But points for consistency.
  8. Tell me you don't know what the fuck you're talking about without telling me you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
  9. Maybe her husband is deaf. It would explain a lot.
  10. That's funny right there, I don't care who you are.
  11. It's not the exact same routine. They often turn left one week where they turned right the week before. Takes a lot of skill to pull off that kind of variation.
  12. As a parent of three high school "band nerds" I must say fuck you. High school band is its own world, no doubt. But, thanks to the awesomeness of high school football in Texas, it's also the best you'll find pretty much anywhere. And it is a place of belonging for a lot of kids who are not naturally athletic or are different in many ways. But they are great kids and many go on to do great things. And, holy hell, do they work hard! I've seen it up close for many years, so I know what it takes to make a great marching band, which is why I get so annoyed at all the oohing and aahhhhing over the aggie band. I admit it looks impressive the first time you see it, but it ain't hard to do what they do. End soap box.
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