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Go Pokes

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Everything posted by Go Pokes

  1. They should have thrown Rogan in there. It's cliche, but he does need to prove himself. Plus, there's a better chance of Bear winning and, Like T of L, I can't believe I'm saying this after last season, but I love Bear now. He must have hired a publicists between seasons. He seems like a completely different person now and is much easier to watch now. Speaking of changing your behavior, Zach needs to get over this Ninja thing. She is annoying as shit and everything he's saying is true, but it's not really making him look good. He's come a long way the past few seasons, but this isn't a great look. How awesome CT when he was watching clips of young CT? That was some good shit.
  2. Jenny is more mannish than 90% of us posting here.
  3. Octopus hearts, Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran I think that was it.
  4. . That’s not true either. 2011 was pretty damn important.
  5. Go Pokes


    Jack seems to be an odd case. I'm sure this isn't a popular opinion here, but he seems like a pretty cool guy. To me, everything he's said since his eviction seems sincere. Maybe he's hypnotized me with the easy way he talks (Holly could take some lessons from him), but I'm buying it. In the house, I didn't enjoy him when he talked about anything game related, but talking to the other houseguests about life in general, I bought it. He seems like he could watch this season and learn about how to be a better person. I don't believe that to be the case with Jackson. He is what he is and since he doesn't believe he's ever wrong, he's probably going to be the same person his entire life. Maturity will probably make him a little better, but he will always be pretty much what he was in the house. Minus all the lying hopefully.
  6. Go Pokes


    Like the one about Cliff and Christie saying David intimidates them. I took it that they meant in a game sense and she spun it into racism. That's when I checked out.
  7. I think I'm on to something here with the CT comparison. Once CT has eaten his way out of being able to compete in these things, Zach will start developing his dad bod and CT will pas on his wisdom and Zack will take over his role. OMG- I just remembered something hilarious. When CT was talking to 2 or 3 of his Euro mates outside, he talked for about 10 seconds straight and I don't think I understood a word he said. I even rewound it and watched it twice.
  8. What was he saying? I just remember him talking to the camera at one point, probably about those two, and it was the most amazingly hypocritical thing I'd ever heard. If you didn't hear the beginning, you'd have thought he was describing his strategy in the game. I think he was describing them as scumbags or something, so maybe it was right after they put him in. Regardless, THEY STOLE THE MOVE FROM YOU ASSHOLE!! It was just so perfect. I'm sure you are correct and what he said about them was 100% correct. He's always been very good at pointing out why other people who don't do exactly what he wants them to do are scumbags, disloyal, pieces of shit. But the lack of self-awareness that guy has is astounding. It's damn near at aggy level.
  9. Go Pokes


    I wouldn't spend much time on that Twitter feed. She's twisting everything everybody said into racism and she's reaching on a lot of them.
  10. Go Pokes


    Well shit, I need to Google a little more. I didn't see any of that. And I almost started that post with "I did a deep dive on the internet...". Glad I changed it to "went a Googling".
  11. Maybe, but for him on a personal level, it's a good thing. Old Zack had some serious issues, but new Zack has grown up considerably over the past two seasons. I think it happened somewhere around his last big blow up with Amanda over her threatening to release some damning info that would ruin his & Jenna's relationship (lol- didn't work). Between the end of filming and the reunion, those two most have gone home and had some long talks about his behavior and how he responds to immature retards like the Lavender Losers. I just remember him on the reunion being very subdued, apologetic, and acting like a mature adult while Amanda just showed herself to be a psychotic bitch with the emotional maturity of a 10 year old. I'm a fan of Zack, so that's how I see it. I'm sure someone who hates Zack will be along shortly to tell me my opinion is completely wrong and Zach hasn't changed a bit. They'll be wrong, but they are welcome to their opinion. So yeah, Zack has become boring, kind of like CT. But I find him pretty funny and sincere these days, like CT, and it's definitely better for both of them in the real world that they figured this shit out. Yeah, yeah, I know. Too many words.
  12. That didn't top last week's satisfying ending, but it's came as close as humanly possible. I'd love to see Josh go next week. That would really be making a statement about throwing challenges in this show. Speaking of that, is throwing challenges a strategy we've seen much of the past several seasons? Maybe it's because we haven't had as many team competitions lately and I've forgotten that they used to do it more.
  13. Go Pokes


    I just went a Googling and the only thing I can find that Jackson did was nominate 4 people of color that first week. That was pretty uncool of production to do that to him. In their effort to be woke, they pretty much ruined the ending of the season.
  14. Go Pokes


    Does anyone remember what it was he did that was racist? Other than nominating 4 people of color that first few days. I bought his explanation for that one.
  15. Well yeah. He isn't even wearing a shirt.
  16. If they don't, they don't belong here. And by here, I mean America.
  17. OP needed at least 3 links to Texags threads so we could bask in the aggy tears. One GIF that didn't even make me chuckle? Internet failure. Dock that may his daily stipend of internet points.
  18. Your wife would try to make you go see a movie based on a series you didn’t see?
  19. I have a question. So you guys are going to enclose the south endzone, right? So I assume that means more seats, which means your stadium will have a higher capacity than the shit pile at BCS. So what does aggy do about that? I'm hoping it's more seats pointed directly at a wall.
  20. Go Pokes


    I'm surprised anyone would think Tommy could win that. America hates Christie and he's guilty by association. At least to me he is.
  21. You have OSU too high but the rest of the country hasn’t figured out the problem we have yet and still judge us based on what they think we should be. That should be corrected over the next month.
  22. I heard a story that the first time Jon Lovitz saw Dick after this he had to be restrained from kicking his ass. A fight between Lovitz and Andy Dick. Even in death, Phil Hartman kept bringing the lulz.
  23. Jesus Christ. Relax. I'm just teasing you a bit over your Cara hatred. Nothing personal, just thought this was a safe space where we could have a bit of fun. I sure don't get my panties in a wad when you guys tease me for excessive words. Post all you want about Cara. You won't hear from me again, I promise.
  24. This is the Bear I think everybody can get behind. Even when he went all Bear last week (and this week I suppose) during the tribunal or whatever they call it, he was still not nearly as bad as last year. Hell, he might even have been entertaining. He just needs to cut out the disrespecting of the women. Not that I'm some SJW, but he REALLY went over the line with that shit last season with the way he treated Davonne, Dee, probably everybody else.
  25. I don't know man. They ALL pretty much act like it's the greatest injustice in the world if someone betrays them or puts them in an elimination. Of course, that's after doing the exact same thing to other people, but that's beside the point. Post less about Cara would still be my advice. At least for now. Your time is coming. She can't hold out much longer
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