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Go Pokes

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Everything posted by Go Pokes

  1. Yeah Dude. This one is on you. I'm afraid you reached the tipping point where she can do absolutely nothing right in your eyes. She was pleading for her life in the game right then. If she hadn't done that, you'd probably be mocking her for not doing anything to save herself. Post less about Cara would be my advice.
  2. Go Pokes


    That's true. It's like trying to figure out if Baylor is any good at football this time of year. Jackson is in the house with a bunch of FCS teams.
  3. Go Pokes


    I'd have to disagree. The lie to evict Tommy alone was an all-timer. His social game is pretty good for a self-centered, egotistical, misogynist. Those guys usually don't last long (see Jack).
  4. This is what we need. All out war among the US team while the Brits just drink, screw, and be funny. Anyone else kind of liking the new slightly toned down Bear?
  5. My first thought was no, but they had a camera focused on her putting that last branch in there, so they probably would have. I'm just not sure how they would do that since they were done, but Ninja hadn't finished yet. The way it worked out was pretty fucking perfect. Ninja never seems to come through in the clutch, but her complete befuddlement at losing to Laurel really helped her out. She just couldn't come down until she figured out how that hell that happened. It says something about how terrible Laurel is that Paulie and Cara are background characters so far and have been almost likable. Well, maybe that's stretching it, but they've been better this season. They need to step it up starting next week because this has turned into an internal war on the US team. So they will probably be reverting back to their unlikable selves, which oddly probably needs to happen. Just please leave Kyle out of it and focus all your hatred and shittiness on Bananas.
  6. Go Pokes


    He's a good player. Most seasons aren't chock full of great players and are like this one. A few people who really know what they are doing, more people who think they know what they are doing but don't really know how to play the game well, and people who are just there for a summer vacation and want to be on TV.
  7. I forgot why and how much I hate Laurel until last night. God, she is such an awful person (cleaned it up for any ladies reading. The word I want to use is pretty obvious). Cara has been pretty mild this year. Her speech about trying to come in this season and let bygones be bygones actually didn't ring hollow for once like most of the bullshit she has spewed in the past. Maybe we are entering an age of a less annoying Cara. I doubt it and I doubt the hardcore CM haters will agree with me, but she has been better this season. I'll take this version of CM over just about any version of Laurel I've ever seen. Sadly, this version of CM will probably start to disappear and the old one will show up soon. It was interesting seeing where the lines are drawn on the US team. There were a few people I wasn't sure of, but we know where everybody stands now. Ninja is annoying as fuck and I don't like her as much as I was hoping I would when she showed up. The way she was hopping around, pre-gloating about a climbing challenge, and then seeming to lose the challenge to a plodding giant was almost as good as how it turned out for Laurel. Either way, someone was going out embarrassingly last night. Glad it was Laurel, but Ninja would have been a decent consolation prize. Laurel though. How. Fucking. Humiliating. It was fucking perfect. She destroys the US team with a stupid unnecessary move and thinks she's running the game to the point where she can throw a challenge on girl's elimination day. Notice Bananas was smart enough to not do that on the guy's day? He's so good at just using up these fools and letting them take the bullets for him. That was easily my favorite elimination of a female in show history. The false victory, the celebration rubbing it in their faces, Ninja climbing around on shit trying to figure out how Laurel won, NInja figuring out Laurel didn't win and sprinting up to the top to ring the bell. I thought lat week's Brit "victory" was hilarious. This eclipsed it by a wide margin. And now I kind of feel like I'm rooting for the Brits and CT and just want to watch this US team continue to implode. Especially since Bananas seems to be in a pretty precarious position now.
  8. Go Pokes


    I couldn't sleep last night so I was watching BB After Dark. Usually it's a bunch of whispering and I get frustrated and stop watching. Last night was the after effects of these discussions and it was actually pretty decent. Jackson is rightfully pissed at Cliff and Cliff oddly thinks Jackson is shitty for not agreeing to all of his one sided deals. Nicole and Holly are just kind of standing off to the side, amazed at Cliff's stupidity. Cliff did some Cliff notes for the camera and he was acting all tough. It was a side of him I hadn't seen yet and let me tell ya, Cliff acting tough is pretty fucking hilarious.
  9. If they do, I guarantee he's the bottom
  10. Um, yeah. Plenty of posters on the Shag blame OSU and honestly believe Boone paid off the refs. Not the ones that are intelligent, but that also describes plenty of posters on the Shag.
  11. well fuck. I literally just started this podcast. Still on the intro when I read this. Now I have to turn it off or possibly throw up on my PC.
  12. Yeah but in theory, I'll be gloating about a guy who just kicked OSU's ass on an OSU message board. I feel like this may require a little subtlety.
  13. What a stupid take. I bet I can guess what side of the coin you’re on.
  14. We didn't steal it. We look at it as a gift. Actually, I bet you could go to our board and find someone within the first two minutes who will argue to the death that the game was officiated properly. I wouldn't recommend it though. It will be frustrating for you and embarrassing for me. oh, and one Sooner in the family.
  15. That’s right. So go out and earn it! Like we did in 2015!* *Ducks. Runs. Shuts down Surly account and moves back to Oklahoma.
  16. And like us, they should feel fortunate just to have made it to level 3.
  17. I'm picturing Nicole with her head between her knees and I think I hear an echo
  18. Nicole and Katie seemed to have unrealistic expectations about how things work in real life as compared to Paradise. Nicole's was obvious. She just wanted that big moment on the beach where she gets a ring and hopefully one day, a televised marriage. Fuck her and her instant gratification shit. If she was really into Clay, she'd have been fine with his idea. Obviously, he probably dodged a bullet and more bad press down the road when they break up and she blames it all on him. Katie and Chris doesn't seem as clear cut to me. I'm not sure what was going on with those two. I think Chris has trouble expressing emotions and maybe she thinks he should be able to fix that instantly? Fuck, these chicks got some crazy ideas about how relationships and human behavior works. Although, in the link below, Reality Steve says they are still together. #teamblake in all that bullshit. So she gets to tell a bunch of lies about him and make him look like total dog shit and he just has to lie there and take it? Granted, defending himself the way he did was probably not the classiest move, but fuck her. Jordan. Self defense. Go fuck yourself Pretty Boy. I wish Christian would have kicked his ass. JPJ & Tayshia - what in the holy fuck is she thinking? Oh, this: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/tv/a29100378/tayshia-adams-john-paul-jones-lying-relationship-bachelor-in-paradise-reality-steve/ I think I misjudged her. Everything she's done from the moment she ran down the beach "crying" after JPJ, apologizing for breaking his heart, has rung hollow and made up. I tend to be naive and think the best of people until they prove otherwise. She's being moved to the other category now. She's just been chasing internet fame this whole time. (I know, I know, they all are, but I said I tend to be naive about that shit). Cam. Owned. Perfect ending to his reality TV career. Lesbians. Stand ovation. BIP is woke, y'all. Dylan & Hannah. I don't think anyone has mentioned them yet. There's a reason for that. They're boring as fuck and nobody cares.
  19. I was in a "discussion" on the OSU board with a few geniuses who strongly disagreed with Sam even being mentioned as a possible Heisman contender. You know, because he totally sucks. Or at least he did two years ago against us when he was a freshman and probably wasn't great against last year. So my dilemma is, if (or is it when?) Sam torches our soft D for 487 yds passing, 4 TDs, and 95 yards rushing, do I go back and gloat? How does one tastefully gloat? Maybe I'll just bump the thread or tag the geniuses and see what they say.
  20. I think you're underselling us just a bit. We really only played one bad quarter against TU and it was a doozey. I like to think we were looking ahead to UT and not concentrating on TU. The halftime adjustments our DC made were great and we completely shut them down in the 2nd half and the offense played a little better. We're all hoping Gleeson hasn't opened the playbook up, so you guys will probably see some things we haven't been doing yet. Wallace would have had 4 TDs if they hadn't tackled him before the ball got there three different times. Still, I think you guys should win easily if you play well. We aren't getting any pass rush at all, we have no one at RB after Chubba , nobody has jumped up and claimed the WR #2 roll, and our QB has played only 10 quarters of CFB.
  21. I don't think that's what he means. I think he's disregarding the last decade and really meant "same as they were prior to Mack Brown losing it". I'm sure our guys are well aware of what they are about to walk into. I know I am, but fuck it. I'm going down to tailgate, watch as much of the ass whippin' as I can stand, and then go back to the tailgate and drown my sorrows. Shit, I need to find a designated driver.
  22. I'll spoiler this since it's long as shit and I don't want any of you spraining a finger scrolling past it and use that as an excuse for the ass whippin' we're abou.....I can't even finish that sentence. Much like last year, I see absolutely no way we win this game. I'm almost always wrong, so we got that going for us. Bullet points from Gundy's presser about the UT game
  23. Oh my God this is fucking hilarious. Nikki Glaser & Blake Griffin going hard.
  24. Sushi nailed it. I don’t think we’re very good. We may be pretty good by the end of the season, but you guys are catching us at the right time. Horns roll. I get drunk. Win win.
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