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Go Pokes

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Everything posted by Go Pokes

  1. I think it's pretty easy to figure out what he's referring to. He's mean to Donny. I'm going to guess he's not a Colbert fan either.
  2. Yeah we need to hear from Lurker on this. In all the bad terrible human being moments she's had the past several years, last night's was easily her worst. And that's really saying something. People who really dislike each other were able to put that shit aside for a few minutes and enjoy a really nice moment before diving back into the shit. Not her. She's just turned into the worst person who has ever been on this show. Juxtaposed with her total asshole of a boyfriend being able to be sincerely happy for them and showing some class really shows what a total piece of shit she is. I gained a bit of respect for Paulie last night. I'm not sure there was anything for me to lose about Cara since I already hated her guts. I think she reached the level of, if she get's terminal cancer, I won't feel bad for her at all. There, I said it. I won't come on here and celebrate it, but there will be no tears shed.
  3. I didn't understand anything happening last night. Why did Kellie give her idol to Dean? Did she just prefer to take someone to merge who wasn't aligned with her over someone that was? Jack for Dean seems like a negative result for her. Am I missing something? And is there any explanation for why Jamal gave his idol to Noura? Turned out to not matter since she got no votes, but why waste it on her instead of wasting it on yourself? Was it expiring that night and he had to use it and thought he'd earn some brownie points with Noura by giving it to her? I assume he wasn't part of the plan, or he would have given it to Jack since they were buddies.
  4. I don’t think that’s mathematically possible. We have 3 losses and BU has the tie breaker on us.
  5. Did we just salvage our season or will we lose out but win Bedlam?
  6. Watching Pauly and Vinnie just try to stay out of the whole thing was pretty funny. And poor Deena trying to play peacemaker between pack of rabid dogs.
  7. User name does not check out. I guess that shows what not getting to eat good food for a couple of weeks will do to a human being. It's like how they all cry at just the thought of a letter from home. This is the food version of this. I wouldn't walk across the street for free Applebees and these people act like Ruth's Chris is showing up on the island. Fuck. Now I want steak.
  8. The fact that Gundy isn't #2 on that list shows how little attention they are paying to the shitshow that's been going on in Stillwater for three years. They nailed #1 though.
  9. Go Pokes

    The Unicorn

    I've watched all 4 for the same reason. It's not good, but I can't turn away. Probably because I can't believe this cast is in something this bland. I'm pretty sure I saw Googins' character running through the house with a pickle in his mouth though.
  10. I'd kill for a 2nd place coach right now.
  11. Apparently, production needed a shot of the two heads and Turbo knocking them off meant someone had to spend 30 seconds putting them back up there so production could get their shot. So the rude asshole cost them 30 seconds of their lives. And they can never get those back! Though I will say, Turbo's reaction was a tad bit extreme.
  12. Did he get a turn in the Subaru? I doubt it. Dad's got money, so he probably wouldn't have even accepted a ride in that piece of shit. Plus, I had to leave room for someone to top me. We got two spots open. Kid who borrowed the car and, the top prize, kid who borrowed the car and had it break down on him within an hour.
  13. I got you beat. I have a friend whose son was on that team
  14. More grounded than Deena? Hell, Snookie seems more grounded than Jenni at this point. I saw something on Twitter about this whole thing with 24 groping Angelina. It sounds like Jenni is done with 24 and Angelina.
  15. Same. She's still a dirty little hamster, but she's way more likable then Jenni.
  16. You two should head to Google and check your results. The only explanation I can come up with is your prefer blondes. Actually, the better explanation is you hate brunettes.
  17. Are you kidding? Melissa >>>>Molly is the no brainer.
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