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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Not sure. I think that it was directed towards democrats that break the rules, and in particular progressives. Sorry Dutch, I was just parroting some of the absurd criticisms lobbed toward Porter in another thread. Imagine being pleased with Adam Schiff over Katie Porter as a CA Senate candidate. Real big brained stuff. Like suggesting that Porter is acting to advance Russian interests.
  2. While it’s important to place the blame at the feet of Republicans, it is equally important to note that House Progressives and the Squad are joining forces with Mike Johnson to prevent a vote on a bill that their party supports and negotiated.
  3. It's an interesting exercise flushing out what triggers weirdos like willfully and fudge.
  4. What rule did she break? The one where as a representative in Congress you put common sense and decency and the interests of Americans above all others.
  5. Someone will probably say something like this in the future when they are talking about the current genocide.
  6. I guess now I should be happy she lost in the Senate primary.
  7. Hey, what's a little white supremacy between friends?
  8. I didn’t write the tweet that you seem to be offended by.
  9. Was that directed at me or Katie?
  10. Looks like your posts got merged. I never said that anything she said was bad. Do you do reading comprehension?
  11. Katie seems worried about it. This is the Katie Porter thread. Are you ok?
  12. Sorry that Katie pays more attention than you are capable of.
  13. It's a thread, but is that a real Churchill quote?
  14. Damn, Churchill was an asshole huh?
  15. Relevant to the topic. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2024/03/teen-childhood-smartphone-use-mental-health-effects/677722/
  16. Yeah, this guy has clearly no idea what he is talking about.
  17. LOL. She is actually the epitome of #bothsides as it relates to American foreign policy. I will admit, I do not understand the rehabilitation of arch-neocons like Nuland, nor the adoption of neocon foreign policy across our political spectrum. We don't seem to be capable of learning from recent history and policy failure. But hey, maybe this time the outcomes will be different.
  18. I am struggling to pick the right description for what I am watching right now.
  19. This guy likes the F16.
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