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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. LOL. This post brought to you by the same vein of State Department talking heads that went to the UN and sold the world on a completely fantastical set of intelligence that ended up costing over $2T and 500k lives.
  2. I understand. This situation is fucked and we are pot committed. But I think that you also understand our role in bringing us to this place. Russia needs to withdrawal from the territories occupied post invasion. I think that Ukraine is going to have to live with the state on the ground in Crimea. And if we can play a role in getting the parties involved back to that pre-invasion position, I think that we should. Otherwise it is just going to be a brink-testing meat grinder that burns through Ukrainian and Russian lives and American taxpayer dollars for a long time.
  3. Apologies in advance Roma for the pos reps.
  4. But you see, this time it is different.
  5. Has our policy been objectively dysfunctional? Draw ring around the region. Yeah it's been awesome. As long as you are a north american or western european, and not a south american, central american, african, asian, middle eastern or other threat to American hegemony. Do you even appreciate how stupid you sound once you get outside of your jingoistic bubble.
  6. I guess maybe just living through the fall of the Iron Curtain, 9/11, the Iraq War, viewing our middle eastern policy through a lens tinted by some common sense, and a consistent pattern of outcomes associated with our dysfunctional foreign policy is more impactful to me than others. I mean, I can understand why some of the posters that were wearing diapers when some of that shit went down are where they are. What I don't understand are the posters that lived those same experiences, and I expect are capable of some critical self-reflection of our role in the world during the post-WWII pax americana, and why they are where they are.
  7. I don't think that we should just tell them to sit the fuck down. I think that we should be brokering a cessation of the violence rather than just continuing to dump billions of dollars of arms into a region of the world with a long reputation for corruption and arms trafficking. We literally set the stage for this conflict over an extended period of time, and I understand, there is not a good solution at this point, so we're pot committed. Which Americans are generally ok with because it only really directly impacts us in terms of Monopoly money, and they have been particularly primed over the last few years with this particular adversary. Doesn't hurt that the cash is flowing to all the right industries, we clearing out some old shit to replace with new, so it's all copacetic. Maybe at some point we learn and listen to some of the voices that were telling us how this was going to go decades ago. Maybe at some point we have some self-reflection wrt our foreign policy posture, and question the credibility of the American rules-based international order. Maybe we learn. But probably not.
  8. Yep. My oldest wanted to get a draw but getting the youngest to do a needle isn’t a winning prop.
  9. Yeah, they are trying to collect more data from youth and adolescents.
  10. My people have a very confused take on the german language. Unfortunately, my grandfather was not too keen to pass his particular dialect to his children after WWII, so now it not only dies in France but also in Central Texas. And to add insult to injury, we got our surnames all butchered by people that didn't know what umlauts were. But it kinds helped with the record keeping, at the time.
  11. I don’t know what a Swabian is. But i am interested in their cuisine as a matter of course.
  12. Just work a Wilhelm in and a German surname when you run the bit the next and it will actually be believable.
  13. 5 gen? Probably a plantation owner in east Texas?
  14. Love this particular ygifs bit. Seriously. But seriously, how many of the people that you meet with that pedigree are named “Bob Smith”? I mean, most of the people I know that can fill out that card are either Hispanic surnames or have an alphorn in their closet they can toot.
  15. Looks beautifully cooked. Post it on the game food rooms thread for posterity.
  16. Lol. At least we punished the horrible ku decision.
  17. Love getting lectured about abusive relationships by the ghouls that will happily trade Ukrainian lives and prolong the conflict to forward their foreign policy objectives, and at the same time crow about the awesome ROI.
  18. Oh and to get back on track to thread topic, I do applaud the progressives for issuing a press release and taking a stand on their opposition to cluster munitions. Good for them. I guess it’s better than voting “present”.
  19. I think it’s pretty funny when a room full of people, most of which I assume are at least barely educated in 20th century history, feel reflexively compelled to give two standing ovations to a Nazi because they were presented as fighting against Russians. It’s a fun little microcosm. Also, side note, but I didn’t know that Canada was like a legit post wwii Nazi destination. They apparently have memorials, statues, and shit.
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