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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Sejjr

  1. Don't we have to post a coaching vacancy publicly for a few days before the position can be officially announced?
  2. Ossai was unreal and saved Tom Herman's job (for now).
  3. Our O-line has been utter garbage for 10-plus years. This is 100% on the Head Coach.
  4. Herman needs to be Lane Kiffened after this game.
  5. I is pretty clear that the McNair family really want to just delegate this "investment" of theirs to anyone that gives them warm fuzzies and drips honey into their ear. This franchise man...what a fucking debacle.
  6. Honestly, the grill should have been our first clue to never hire this fucking douchebag fraud.
  7. Not so amazing considering all the conflicting info from Fauci, CDC and WHO and other sources over the past few months..and not just about masks. There are many people with above average education who doubt the effectiveness of masks, dont plan to get vaccinated etc. It has little to do with education, more about distrust in authority/media these days. This is the whole issue. There are and have been conflicting and faulty reports throughout this whole thing the last 6 months, starting with the shitty, terrifying models, and it has become a partisan issue driven by the media. There are 2 "sides" to everything, and each side thinks the other is a fucking idiot.
  8. Disagree 100%. Watson was sacked 44 times last season, (down from 62 the year prior, a league record), and has been sacked 8 times in 2 games so far. This "GM" has made ludicrous trades and draft picks designed to fix the O-line, and last week the Ravens just destroyed this "improved" line for 4 sacks and countless hurries and pressures. It was hard to watch, as Watson is basically set up for failure unless he plays hero ball and makes ridiculous plays, which he is capable of doing. And look at the wide-open David Johnson play that he missed...you really think that hurried throw is on Watson? BoB is a disaster, and placing any of the blame on Watson at this point is frankly being a fucking BoB apologist. BoB was hoping his 2-headed Johnson offense would work, yet, down one Johnson, it was completely ineffective. This team is so painfully devoid of an Alpha receiver, and that, again, is on the shithead coach/GM. Yes, they lost to the 2 best teams in the AFC. But the future of this franchise is bleak, outside of the QB.
  9. Maybe we should just play OU each week for the rest of the season, majority winner gets the title and a playoff berth.
  10. BoB decided to litter this team with "field stretchers". There are few to any reliable quick-read WR types on this team, just aging vets and WR3 types who can't quickly get open. And the garbage O-line, which was supposed to be improved via BoB's brilliant trade strategies, can't give Watson the time he would need to allow any of the downfield concepts to work. This offense is a fucking hot mess.
  11. This fucking thread is just the worst. It is also sadly, a perfect representation of our current reality. Mask-mandate/lockdown types calling everyone who disagrees with them "stupid" or "hillbillies?" Check. Anti-maskers crying about their freedoms with a "you do you" attitude? Check. Internet Researchers cherry-picking articles to support whatever the fuck they believe? Check. The sad reality is, the only time I find myself feeling remotely normal these days is when I am watching a football game for a few hours. The NFL has been a fucking godsend, and so far, they appear to be doing a good job with the COVID situation. There have been no reports of spikes of infections from the games that have allowed crowds. Kansas City announced 1 fan out of the 15,000 or so at the opener tested positive. College Football is working so far, though the games have been crap. Don't worry though, the SEC is here now to save us.
  12. 2020 has some goodness in store for us yet.
  13. Thank you Taylor, for that insightful and honest assessment of where Texas stands. Of all the teams in the big twelve, 1/3 of which looked like FCS garbage this past week, Texas is in the "top half". Bold statement. Ovaries on the Table stuff. I am just happy to know that COVID might have destroyed the restaurant industry, but the 9.95 industry is still intact.
  14. Jesus....it takes nothing for this thread to veer off into another fucking mask debate.
  15. Dan Woken is a fucking shithead, period. He wants everyone to shed a tear for the BIG and PAC, and point out how responsible and "following the science" they are, while ignoring that the main reason they canceled when they did was due to a debunked myocarditis report. He leaves out the fact that the Big 12 was widely criticized, by him as well, for using a "twitter doctor's" advice (a world renowned expert from the Mayo clinic). He cites the 75 positive cases at Texas Tech, while failing to point out the zero hospitalizations. He wants so badly for something really bad to happen at any of the schools that decided to push forward and play. No doubt he already has his "told you so" article written and ready to go. It's all political for him, and he sucks.
  16. We are looking pretty deep at "Playmaker".
  17. There have been plenty of discussions on seasonality of COVID. You are far from alone in your educated guess.
  18. Sorry, what I really mean is that the viruses' impact has weakened, not that the virus itself has mutated into a less virulent form, though there have been studies (disputed of course) suggesting a weaker viral load. And I am not saying that the virus isn't dangerous. It is, however, very dangerous to a very specific group, and that group does not include the college age or younger demographic. College-aged students testing positive on a PCR test is not something society should be overly concerned about. And obsessing over raw case numbers and using that metric to drive state and local decisions about people's fucking livelihoods is borderline criminal at this point.
  19. Well lucky for us, the virus is clearly weakening, deaths and hospitalizations are down, and people under 20 at at close to zero risk from this. And treatments have vastly improved across the world. Meanwhile, we have psychos like Gavin Newsome claiming that they will "follow the science" and let positive test rates and cases lead over deaths and hospitalizations. Even if California reaches LESS THAN 1 positive test per day out of 100,000, businesses will only be allowed to open with restrictions and "modifications." In a bankrupt state with 40 million people, and after a very public scandal with the testing numbers. This shit has become fucking insane. This obsession with testing, "cases" and "percent positive" is fucking idiotic. All of these decisions are being made using highly inaccurate results that take far too long to do anything to "control the spread". And now even the NYT is finally reporting that up to 90% of the positive results from PCR test are people no longer contagious and who don't need to isolate. But sure, you can go ahead and wait for all the hospitalizations and deaths that are "on deck." I am sure the refrigerator trucks are all on standby.
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