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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Sejjr

  1. Not sure if this thread is more about legacy female singers or what, but check out the new Wolf Alice album, Blue Weekend. Legit.
  2. You don't think this is already happening? Privacy Coins are the new McDonalds bag/FedEx Envelope....and now that NFTs are "legal", just imagine what will happen this season? A badass Bijan Robinson run can be sold as an NFT clip with his "autograph" of authenticity, for example. Dapper Labs is no doubt already on it. The sky is truly the limit, and it goes way beyond Nike and their considerable marketing muscle. The teams that will thrive are the ones that will embrace this shit and be creative and proactive. And it won't be hard to stay 10 steps ahead of the NCAA. Those fucktards probably still think Crypto is fake internet money, and they definitely have no idea what a NFT is.
  3. This is the fucking point that needs to resonate, loudly. I am tired of following this shit, year after year, only to watch these motherfucking blatant paymasters win recruits that shouldn't even be in the conversation. Oregon? Get the fuck outta here...West Coast football is a fucking joke. Nobody fucking cares. And what the fuck has Georgia really done since 1980? These programs continue to stockpile elite talent via a coordinated pay-for-play structure, allowing them to win the majority of their games, and wait until the (5) stars align and they eventually get the combination right to make a run at a Title. "This is the Way" in college football today. Meanwhile, the NCAA will continue to pick on teams like Arizona State while ignoring Oregon, Georgia, aggy, Ohio State, Bama, Clemson, etc. We have zero reason at this point not to get in the filth and play the game the way it is being played by the most successful programs. The moral high-ground has gotten us nowhere.
  4. It is really funny to watch these 9.95 clowns spew out all of this garbage, while knowing that this simply came down to the bigger bag. Texas better fucking wake up, finally realize that the NCAA is a complete non-factor, and stop fighting with one hand tied behind their back.
  5. So remind again, exactly where the downside is having a legit bag game?
  6. Our current 9.95ers are really making me pine for the days of Jason "LetsRide" Higdon.
  7. We now have one of the better backfields in the country. Which is nice....
  8. "Are you familiar with the folks in Burnt Orange whose heads I've taken residence in for years now?" Says Looch, the guy who can't put out one of his word vomit reports without multiple comments on Texas.
  9. I still remember an aggy telling me that Vince Young punched his coach during a game in High School and he would never amount to anything. They were spreading that rumor around for quite a while.
  10. I had an annoying aggy text me unprovoked last night attempting to bleat about the SEC, then he said aggy will have a "Bama Level Defense" this season. Best defense since the early 90s! Like that is saying something... The Roller Coaster is in full incline right now.
  11. That shit may fly in backwaters like Collie Station, Baton Rouge etc..where the towns exist to support the university, no other reason. If Sark even hinted at such a thing our journalistic luminaries like Kunt Bowels, FCB and Jabba the Ketch would be all over it like flies on dogshit...they couldnt resist at least cryptically breaking the news to their loyal sheep. The fact remains: if we really are the biggest swinging dick in college football, it's time to start acting like it. The NCAA is a fucking joke, and they are about to get steamrolled with the NIL shit that is coming. These kids will start doing all kinds of shit to get paid, and those fucks down at the NCAA will have no clue how to control it. Is it really a stretch to get an Uncle to setup a Coinbase account, and start getting paid in crypto? The days of McDonald's bags and FedEx envelopes are over. You think the NCAA even knows what an NFT is? It is going to get crazy, and Texas better be forward looking and optimizing every fucking advantage we have. I am sick of reading about "Georgia Bag Men" and Jimbo's silly shenanigans. We better get in this game for real. I expect Sark knows this. Jeff Banks certainly does. Time to stop fucking around.
  12. So we are extrapolating "decommit watch" from this guy? Interesting...
  13. Its extra funny when you realize this is sophomore tape.
  14. Cardano made a big jump the other day after Gene Simmons from KISS made a tweet saying he was buying 300K of it. He is a fan, apparently. I have a little ADA and ALGO, both which are attempting to be better versions of ETH. https://twitter.com/genesimmons/status/1362591435489308673?s=20
  15. I'd love to know the NFL percentage of Bama versus the field in the SEC.
  16. Aggy Recruiting narratives for T.U., 2022 Edition: Maalik Murphy - No stats! Zero! Swoopes 2.0!! Yeah we offered, but Jimbo got the guy he really wanted. 5-star is proof of more BOMC. Evan Stewart - Good player but we weren't really going hard after him. Besides, games are won in the trenches! Jaydon Blue - Good player, but we are overflowing with talent in the RB room. Might not even take a RB this class! And everybody knows games are won in the trenches! Armani Winfield - There are lots of WR prospects in Texas just as good. Jimbo will have his pick of them. Plus their OL is shitty, and Games are Won in the Trenches!™ Trevell Johnson - Don't know who he is. Jaylon Gullbeau - Meh...Big 12 CB. Slow. Didn't really want him (despite the offer). Bottom line is, if we start picking off their coveted trench targets, aggy will break. It will be a glorious cascade of tears.
  17. Totally agree on BAT and the Brave browser. Its great and it seems like their project makes a lot of real world sense. I bought into some of these alts mainly for fun and to learn more about the space with a little skin in the game. Re: Algorand, and other companies like Cardano, it seems that they are attempting to create an improved and more efficient platform to ETH, which has some very real-world issues with cost and fees. Plus you can earn more ALGO with staking (around 7% or so), which is pretty nice as well. It will be interesting to see what these alts do over the next few weeks.
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