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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Sejjr

  1. Sejjr

    UAB @ Aggy

    Ok, cool. Hook 'Em.
  2. 2 weeks these underdog teams have wide open winning 2 point plays, only to fuck it up and let the biggest shitbag, dickless, fuckstain teams escape with a win. I hate when good things happen to horrible people.
  3. Urban is the biggest whiny bitch on the sideline that I have ever seen. I really want to see an edit of all the Urban sideline shots. It would be epic.
  4. These announcers appear to really want an Urban Meyer coached team in the playoffs.
  5. 100% offensive PI or facemask. Bullshit.
  6. Here comes the ridiculous effusive praise about Ohio State.
  7. Ok I just gotta ask now because it is bugging the shit out of me: of all the VY picks you could have chosen, why the fucking Eagles?
  8. Always nice to be bringing in proven winners.
  9. Anyone who really wants to watch this game will be able to watch it. Unfortunately, the old school "basic cable" demographic is what gets cited when people are bitching about the lack of coverage.
  10. This might be a better James Baldwin quote for Zach:
  11. As long as aggy can somehow luck into a win against Bama in the next decade, they are satisfied with that. And beating Texas for recruits, of course.
  12. Did Red and the BOMC hire a couple of cleaners to silence this brave man?
  13. Saquon Barkley is a recent badass.
  14. So we can keep expanding the Bowl system each year...but by gawd, let's not add games to the playoff because it might hurt the bowl system!
  15. Zach Smith went back and edited his post to say "Hook that" instead of "Gig that"? Is there anyone on the planet that doesn't think that rant was written by Zach Smith, outside of MeeMaw?
  16. Yay! Another Bowl owned and operated by ESPN.
  17. He is certainly stuck is some muck currently. Also, I hear if you try to do cocaine in really humid conditions, it turns to muck.
  18. It is pretty fascinating that our rivals are trying to spin the rants of a crazy, coke-fueled abuser into "proof" that Herman is a bad guy. But whatever. We can survive losing Catalon. TCU has far bigger issues to worry about.
  19. Let's not forget about Zach's super-classy brother either.
  20. Be sure you ask him about the marijuana overdose crisis plaguing our country.
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