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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Sejjr

  1. "Only CBS" is this stupid.
  2. Mond throws frickin' lasers now!
  3. Poor coaching and a stupid penalty just filled 40,000 jizz jars.
  4. These announcers are such a beating. And all the cutaways to fake military cosplay dorks is making this a hard watch.
  5. Excuse me sir! Kentucky is an elite team this year! Best SEC win since 2012....whoop!
  6. So the truck Roschon drove onto the field had mechanical issues?
  7. Remember, Ole Miss is terrible.
  8. Presenting his nipple to the Corps turd for suckling?
  9. I really hope we don’t put LJ at X and play Heard in the slot if Collin is out. That would be a mistake.
  10. I don’t know. But if he bails on Hamm, that truly would be the final straw in his downward spiral. Hamm would pretty much be Dirk Diggler in the parking lot at that point.
  11. His recent twitter posts are basically a conversation/cross-promotion between himself and FWK.
  12. UCF would beat that shitty Kentucky team by 2 TDs, at least. Kentucky has easily one of the worst offenses in D1. They might be the biggest fraud I have ever seen. Every team from 18 to 25 would beat Kentucky.
  13. More like the Nathan Peterman of High School football.
  14. That is a remarkably tone-deaf quote to put out there, even for an aggy. Don't worry Jimbo, I am sure Malik Hornsby is not familiar with twitter.
  15. well, he only needs one then to get his second contract.
  16. That would actually explain how she was able to "follow" Jimbo across the country and live and work in Texas, and get instant access to the aggy program. She is likely either on the board of that charity or she works for one of the sponsors.
  17. Freeway exit design talk not going away.
  18. The real issue here that is concerning is the reality that we don’t have upgraded replacement bodies for our two glaring weaknesses, and the last two opponents have smartly abused them. Add the fact that Caden Sterns has hit the freshman wall and we already had a weak pass rush and you have a downward spiral without a real fix in sight. The fix (if any) will have to come from a complete schematic adjustment; it won’t come from the personnel level. What really annoys me though is how easily opposing teams are able to take advantage of our specific player weaknesses, yet we never seem able to do the same thing. Do we suck that badly at film study? I think Herman needs to start hiring some of those recently fired head coaches as QC coaches like Satan always does.
  19. Funny, I remember thinking at the time, coach feels exactly like the rest of us. Texas games are a fucking roller coaster of anxiety. I really look forward to the day they are not.
  20. "Icing" the kicker is one of the dumber things that coaches do. It rarely works, and waiting until the moment before the ball is snapped is even dumber. It's like the coaches think they are using "strategy" when in reality, all they are doing is letting a kicker get a practice shot and a mulligan, which is a huge advantage for a kicker. It always reminds me of the saying in golf after you hit a shitty shot and take your much better mulligan shot, "that second guy is good." I guess Tom Herman doesn't have the icing percentages page in his fucking binder.
  21. That Brewster shit is exactly how Chin Pubes will spin this. This was a tough loss, but this team is better for it, and oh hey look at Texas being exposed like I said they would! Let’s re-list all of Mensa HerMan’s faults now!
  22. Watching Wheeler get abused time after time was just fucking depressing. This defense has no quick fix available, unfortunately.
  23. Have you ever seen an Ewok up close?
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