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Patrick Bateman

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Everything posted by Patrick Bateman

  1. Defense is so bad at every level. We should be stout up front but we get blown off the ball almost every game. Don't get me started on the fantastically shitty secondary.
  2. I sort of sit here. The West was stronger last year and it's only gotten weaker. I didn't trust Utah or Denver last year and Denver is falling apart. Clippers are done. That leaves who? Phoenix, who was a weak participant in last year's Finals. The league overall is more spread out and that's probably a good thing, but there are no crazy good teams who could reach all-time team status except the Nets if everyone came back. It's a good time for parity in the NBA, but not for fantastic, historic teams as evidenced by our last 2 and probably 3 champions.
  3. Probably thinking about the Milwaukee model. One top guy and then some secondary or tertiary guys like Holiday and Middleton. Those guys aren't superstars like a Wade or Kyrie or Davis are. Now, they needed some injury help and things have to fall right, but it's possible if you build the team around the superstar the right way.
  4. They're absolutely a contender. A few things are happening for them, first, Jordan Poole has become a nice player and will be a very good bench player and Otto Porter (a move I loved) is legit another great bench player. Their bench is really good. Second, the West is sort of falling apart. If MPJ can't take another step, Denver's sunk. Clippers without Kawhi? Nice story, but done. Lakers look like the Titanic, but it's still very early and if history has taught us anything, it's teams like this typically take until Jan or Feb to figure it out. Portland? Dame is in a huge slump. Where the west looked really stout a year ago or even 6 months ago, it's not nearly the cage match it looked it may be this year. Now GSW has some dudes who are just off to a hot start and will regress to the mean (watch Dray's, Otto and Bjelica's shooting percentages), but they're absolutely a team who need to reckoned with. Give the front office some kudos for some really nice pickups. And all of this is with no Klay and their two superstar draft picks from the last drafts contributing nothing. It's a SSS right now, but they have a ton to be encouraged by. If by say, the ASB, they're still in the top 2, with starting to integrate Klay by then, they'll be someone nobody wants to play.
  5. I don't disagree at all. To piggy back, New Orleans is also the 50th biggest TV market. There's no obvious reason why there's a team there other than nostalgia for the old ABA team. Seattle is the obvious contender but even Austin (which I'm not advocating) is a bigger TV and metro market. New Orleans is a very strange site.
  6. They're 2 years in with their current administration. I mean clearing house every couple of years is probably bad strategy. Zion being injury prone makes it difficult to really judge how far away they are and Ingram's been out the last 6-7 games with some sort of mysterious hip injury. Griffin has some skins on the wall (yes with Lebron), but not sure you can really assess how good...... or bad he and Langdon have been. New Orleans seems like a really difficult place to build a champion in basketball. Most success they've had was when CP3 was a youngster.
  7. I think if you go back and glean the first few pages of this thread but especially from the Offseason thread, there are only a handful of fans here on Surly who thought we could be anything but what we are...... a super young, super inexperienced, under talented, rebuilding squad who's real goals are to develop and get as many ping pong balls as possible. Gonna be painful for folks who want wins right now. This is where the front office needs to make their money.
  8. Collin Sexton? MBU is correct right now. Now, he took a step last year but it still was just a slightly above average player. He's regressed this year but it's a SSS and I read he may have been injured even before the knee. He's very young so he can get a lot better but right this second, he's probably a 4/5th guy on a real contender. Hopefully he can heal up and get back to developing.
  9. Derrick White went 0-10. Do you know how hard that is? It's like going winless in the NFL..... you can do it, but it's rare.
  10. Defense is getting their ads kicked up front by backups. Awful.
  11. Goodwin is a really outstanding ST guy. Great guy to have.
  12. Okay, so can we stop with this silly fucking shit about Steele being good. He's a turnstile in pass pro, pretty good run blocker. Needs to go back to RT.
  13. Moore needs to take his head out of his ass and start running some crosses and rubs to get off this man coverage. Schulz in his pockets vs the zones.
  14. The interesting thing is Denver is now playing their backup OTs and still destroying the Cowboys on the edges.
  15. Horrible defense on 2nd down. Makes it a manageable 3rd down and they execute and convert against our terrible zone defense.
  16. Can Anger only punt into the EZ? I thought he was good at getting inside the 20? Frustrating when your offense is shitting the bed.
  17. Pollard's hands sort of suck for being a part time WR in college.
  18. Bigger issue is pass protection. Our run game always suffers when Zack is out and our pass pro when Tyron is out. Moore needs to adjust and maybe get some shorter passes or some quick rubs.
  19. Okay, we got some real trouble now.....
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