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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by South Austin

  1. 4 minutes ago, BurdineBandit said:

    It really is funny. It's like if someone asked about the benefits of moving to Austin and everybody started saying how great it can be and how much it has changed for the better but then a conversation about living in Kyle actually broke out.

    Kyle doesn’t have a Dodging Duck.

  2. On 4/17/2018 at 2:27 AM, NorLa Horns said:

    They put the guy on the radio to promote his OB and whatever other BS he does. And he cant freaking talk. I've heard of a face for radio. Never heard of a voice for print media. Till now

    I've never read Dunlap's shit in print, but he's horrible on the radio. He says "you know" every 5-10 seconds, and that's on top of being unable to produce coherent sentences out of his mouth. On top of that, every time he's a guest on 104.9 it sounds like he's calling from his mom's basement.  Regarding his content, his football analysis sounds qualitatively no different than you and I talking about the Longhorns after about 6 beers.

    I really have no personal axe to grind with Alex. I just hate shitty radio talent.

    • Like 1
  3. I mentioned Boerne in the thread on small towns.  We pass through there on the way back from our annual family Garner State Park camping trip, and have lunch and a beer at Dodging Duck.  We like Boerne, but it does seem to have outgrown a good measure of its small town charm, and others claimed that it's become overrun by yuppies and San Antonio commuters.

  4. I saw Father John Misty at ACL two years ago.  It was a really good show, but as I recall it was a lot earlier in the day than I would have expected.  Apparently, the chicks really dig him, because he drew a heavy female crowd (and heavy as in % of total crowd population, not heavy as Vic Mackey likes them).

  5. 14 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    It’s interesting to see mostly positive vibes in this thread because all my life I hear people shitting on San Antonio. Hell, I used to as well. Some of the things I hear are laced with racism, others just from people not really knowing the city. 

    There's probably something to that.  It's nowhere near as white as most of the other major metropolitan Texas areas.  But for me that's the beauty of it.  There's always a more authentic Texas feel in San Antonio, holding onto the older parts of our state's heritage before everything became paved over with strip centers and chain restaurants (and yes, there's still lots of that in SA).

  6. I'm down in San Antonio frequently for work as several of my clients are active down there.  There's a lot of generic sprawl, but still more charm than a place like Dallas, and a hell of a lot more scenic.  In terms of restaurant and entertainment, it seems like it's miles ahead of where it was 10 years ago.  And I love the access to so many cool small towns in the Hill Country.  So yeah, if you had to boot me from Austin to another big city in Texas, it would be San Antonio in a heartbeat.  But right now I happily see myself in Austin for the long haul.   

  7. 2 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    seriously, i want to understand the thought process, how he thought things would go, what the end result would be and his stupid ass motivation.  that's a shitton of delusion.

    Maybe Barry was tired of his wife's bitching and wanted to end it all.  "What's that honey?  You don't like where I leave my work boots at the end of a long day at work and you're upset that I just want to watch a couple hours of the ball game?  Oh look, a snek in the middle of the road.  I'll be right back, dear."

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  8. I'm guessing that McCartney will be on Sunday evening, which is usually when my lame-ass is heading out after three days of drinking in the sun.  I'm going to have to pace myself, and probably plan on going into the office late on Monday morning, just to see Paul. 

  9. Quote

    But now his wife has a warning for others: "Don’t mess with snakes. If you hear it rattling, you leave it alone.”

    Thank God for this warning from Barry's wife.  Not sure what I would've done if I saw a rattlesnek before this sage advice.

  10. 1 minute ago, chitwood said:

    That's a bummer.  Never had that happen there, and it shouldn't happen. 

    But it was still a great experience that we'll be back.  But we might hold off on the chef's tasting.  With so many courses paired with wine and beer, we were pretty shitfaced at the end. 

  11. 17 minutes ago, chitwood said:

    What he said.  I have never walked out of Barley Swine without being completely blown away by what I just ate.

    Had the chef's tasting for my birthday dinner in December.  It was excellent, but one complaint -- it all felt incredibly rushed like they were obviously trying to turn a table.  About three courses in we had to tell the waitress to please slow down.  But the wine pairings with the food were outstanding. 

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