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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UTEX90

  1. I just want to know who to murder when this all turns out to be BS. I have work to do today dammit.
  2. ... flees this shithole to check Hot or Not? Pos or Neg coming.
  3. The defecting out of state will always be a thing. What is new is going out and recruiting players and bringing in transfer mercenaries to play over them. A stud QB would really have to think about their opportunity to play for a coach that keeps taking the grad transfer who rolls in for one year and takes your opportunity to play. I don't even know what you tell them if you are Riley.
  4. This man gets it. Turn the AC up to make it cooler (In order to do that you have turn the thermostat down). Turn the heater up to make it warmer (In order to do that you have to turn the Thermostat up). I feel like I'm debating my wife. Just turn off the lights!
  5. My wife is constantly walking around the house turning off lights when she gets hot. I tell her the light bulbs are not giving off enough heat to cause her to be hot, she needs to turn the air conditioner up. She believes I am completely full of shit and that by turning off the lights she will be cool and comfortable. Last night she was complaining about being cold and I told her to just turn on the lights and she should be fine. Tone.
  6. I so want to neg you for not following through with this.
  7. UTEX90

    NFL Round 2

    Despite yesterday's drubbing by the favorites, I like both of the dogs today taking the points.
  8. But FWK clearly is/was irritated with the Texas staff on how Toneil's carrier went at Texas. He has at least tweeted about his lack of use and playing time.
  9. Excuse my ignorance, at least on this thread. Can someone tell me how many players FWK has trained that ended up at Texas v. ended up at aTm? Not counting Shepherd. I don't consider him committed to either.
  10. I don't understand the purpose of this or what potential recruit he is referring to. I don't think he is trying to be cute. I think he is trying to be destructive.
  11. I think this is what severely limits his options. So much so, that it would not surprise me if he stays at Alabama when all is said and done. OU, UH, TCU, WV I guess are options. I also think that bringing in a one year player may cause clubhouse issues among current players. QBs who are waiting in the wings for their shot are not going to appreciate a one year hired gun. I am sure when Kyler went to OU the thought that he would only be there one year was hardly considered. I would be surprised if OU took Hurts but it would not concern me if they did.
  12. I could. Not a collection necessarily but said rat's ass could be acquired in short order. Unlike some other posters, I am a self proclaimed above average rat exterminator using a variety of methods. The preferred being a pellet gun hunting over a bird feeder with a beer in hand.
  13. 1. If it happened I could give a rats ass. 2. At some point being know as a school/coach who gets mercenary QBs/Players is going to end up biting you in the ass. Either in recruiting or continuity of the players.
  14. They lost to Clemson too so this game is a win win for them. They still lost to the national champion this year so that is going on the wall.
  15. UTEX90

    CFB Bowls

    They are -195 ML for the half. Other than Georgia the half's have not even been close.
  16. Damn my job. Did anything happen today?
  17. It's reported he is transferring. But where? I assume all SEC teams would be out.
  18. Exactly. Had a friend like this. His dad told me, "Don't ever worry about him committing suicide, he loves himself too much."
  19. This is what I keep telling myself. I trust them. Then I don't. I guess we will just see. But that doesn't keep me from coming here everyday to fret over it.
  20. This was my commencement speech. “Let me say it loud and clear,” Bush said. “The first Texans, in a sense, were wrong. This is not just a first-class university. You are graduates of a world-class university.”
  21. I am searching for new waders. Any recommendations? Have not bought any new ones in years. My pair was long lasting but I need a new pair by Saturday.
  22. In! Gift certificates are in the mail.
  23. All I got out of all of this is that your wife is trying to hide shit from you by changing the password on her phone, probably never wanted to give you access to back it up, and the divorce is going to be all of your fault because you were not supportive in the marriage. I need a new career.
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