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Posts posted by Skipper

  1. 1 hour ago, Rex Kramer said:

    Problem is Cumulus will never devote resources to middays. Ever. It’s more about that than any animosity. What’s changed?  Oh you lost your midday ratings dominance?  Yeah we DGAF. 

    That's what it boils down to.  It's a great station owned by a garbage corporation and managed by morons. They are going to milk it for all it's worth a few more years then that's that.  Decent shows on Middays are almost certainly gone for good.  Once the Musers decide to retire and Bob and Corby get through the contract they just signed, the station itself is probably done.  

    The station absolutely should swallow their pride, hire Sirois back at a fair salary and pair him with Donny, but that aint the Cumulus way.


  2. 4 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    It's completely inappropriate to academically punish students for peaceful and legal expressions of free speech. 

    It's horrifying how amped you are to punish these students for having an opinion you don't like. 

    Yall need to go back and read @immamac's post about actually attempting to interject some humor instead of constant outrage posting. Maybe someone else will get it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 56 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    Considering that track record includes pre-emptively calling in a company-scale deployment of state troopers to put down a protest because he didn't like their speech and was scared of something happening in CA and NY.... He's got some major fascist points on the board.

    You are a really productive and articulate poster and a great value add to every discussion.   Always bringing up new, unique and non-inflammatory talking points to drive intelligent discourse.  Keep on being great.


    51 minutes ago, troph said:

    I 100% agree about Abbott. I don't know enough about Hartzell to say the bold is 100% true. The shocking truth is UT leadership could get MUCH worse post-Hartzell.  I have no idea where Hartzell is at - being subservient to Abbott for personal gain or subservient to try and keep him at bay on at least some of the day-to-day. But the meddling by Abbott and Texas MAGA is intense that I 100% believe. We are in unchartered waters here imo.

    Agreed with this. I think a lot of people are in an absolute state of denial about their State of residence.  I have zero idea about Hartzel's personal politics or how much he likes this job, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if he walks away from it.  If he does, good luck finding a replacement that is better if you are a liberal.   Who would want to step into a situation juggling a heavy liberal leaning faculty student body that happens to be a public institution in a MAGA state with MAGA politicians? 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  5. 32 minutes ago, troph said:

    not really. that CEO isn't subject to being crushed by MAGA state leadership.  you can't say he's a public servant then use a private for profit example, they aren't even close to the same thing. 

    I'm simply stating we do not know what happened that led to this with respect to this singular decision.

    It's not just state politics. It's internal politics as well.  He's getting heat for what happened but imagine the heat from those cutting the checks that actually matter if he would have let UT campus turn into Columbia.  Just like the Eyes of Texas nonsense that threatened millions in funding he had to navigate. Nobody on this board cares about or likes to consider that reality but it's a fact.  A lot easier to have hot takes and play Monday AM QB on a message board where all that is hanging in the balance is internet rep

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. Pretty sure I saw that Bourque played last night so not sure if we can read anything into that or not.  Maybe they wouldn't use him in any event but if he would have been pulled that was probably a sign.  Listened to replays of the Deboer and Duchene interviews on the Ticket this AM while walking dog.  They are clearly frustrated.  The general sense (that I agree with for the most part after taking a step back) is that they haven't necessarily played poorly.  They just aren't getting results.   This level of play probably has us up 2-0 against most teams or a split at a minimum.  Advanced stats show both games have pretty much been 50/50 but the Knights are just making one more play that matters.  I think we all felt worse after Weds game mainly because of the way they completely suffocated us down the stretch in the 3rd (and of course the reality of what going down 2-0 means for series changes). It was a masterpiece of a close out.  Just need to somehow get game 3 tomorrow.  

  7. 4 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    Oh, it's abundantly clear you don't want to address what ACTUALLY happened and would rather treat a hypothetical as objective fact. 

    I only jumped into the thread because you misrepresented what was said in the text to fit your agenda/position.  I haven't had time to (nor do I really plan to or have any desire to) read the entire thread or watch every video.  I assume a bunch of asshole cops acted like you might expect asshole cops might act when mixed with asshole protestors.  If you want to blame Hartzell for not giving very specific instructions to minimize confrontation, then that's probably a valid criticism and I would have perused the thread and turned my attention back to the draft without engaging.  Now I'm turning my attention to bed.  I'll let you keep yelling at the clouds assuming anyone that disagrees with you is a 75 year old Newsmax junkie.  Good luck with that.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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    • Fuck You 2
  8. 1 minute ago, Captainant said:

    Then you are a fucking coward if you think the right way to handle a peaceful protest is to call in the fucking stormtroopers to crack heads. 

    I do not buy Hartzells statement for a moment because he is speaking from a place of fear, not leadership. Instead of speaking to his students and faculty, he called in RIOT COPS to fuck em up. 

    Your reaction, and applauding what Hartzell did will only serve to ensure more crackdowns like this for unallowed speech. 

    He was speaking from a place of watching a bunch of losers take over campuses across the country.  USC just cancelled commencement because of these assholes.   Imagine just being a normal student or parent of said student and getting commencement cancelled because of this bullshit.  I don't give a damn about what side you are on.   Palestine, MAGA, BLM, whatever, protest all you want until you start interfering with everyone else just living their lives thinking your cause is more important.   I'm not opining on what actually happened.  I'm pushing back on the thought that it was a mistake to prepare for the possibility the same thing could happen at Texas that has happened elsewhere.

    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Drool 1
  9. Just now, Captainant said:

    Ya know, if you turn off the fox and newsmax it turns out you're actually NOT under attack by immigrants and brown people. This sort of rote and unthoughtful acceptance, internalization, and repetition of the State and Party line for why they had to put down this peaceful protest is how you end up with a fucking boot on your neck. 

    This is nothing but trump and abbotts fear and propaganda speaking through you. 

    LOL.  JFC dude. I'm a Trump hating Biden and D voter across the board outside of random local races.  The constant far left circle jerk on this site is hilarious.  You all live in the same fantasy world the MAGA nutjobs do and you don't realize it.  

    If you read what Hartzell actually stated (not the bullshit you projected on him or me), assume it was true, and you still think he was wrong, that's fine.   That's your opinion.  But I assure you it's a minority one no matter what you all convince yourselves talking to each other on this board.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  10. 8 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Having a presence ready and as a visible deterrent is one thing.  As far as any evidence I’ve seen in this thread goes, they acted to break up a peaceful gathering of people in a public space at a time that people are expected to be in that space. 

    I agree.  It certainly appears mistakes were made.  But this board started going apeshit over the text message chain, and if what Hartzell stated was accurate in the chain, I personally have no issue with him requesting backup. 

  11. Just now, Captainant said:

    Oh bull fucking shit. This is the equivalent to a "furtive movements" affidavit by a cop that just gunned a person down in their own home. Are you saying that you think the correct move whenever the school administration is concerned is to call in the fucking riot cops to crack some heads?


    You and the rest of the scared victimhood boomers continually go back to what has happened elsewhere, as if it resembles what happened yesterday. I have fucking eyes. There is not an equivalency no matter how much you wish there is. 

    Boomer.  Ok bud.  I can assure you Hartzell would have been under a lot more fire from the donors that matter if he let the campus turn into the idiocy that is all over the news at Columbia and elsewhere.   Mistakes appear to have been made but if there was actual intel these losers were descending on campus to wreak havoc (and I did see the stat that many arrested had no UT affiliation) I have zero issue taking steps to make sure that didn't happen.   

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    Hartzell calling in the riot cops on his own student body because he didn't like their speech 

    At least get the text right.  It stated he called them because they affirmatively stated they wanted to do the same takeover encampent bullshit they did at Columbia.  The National Chapter.  If that is actually the case and that was the intent - good for him.  

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  13. 3 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:


    And I didn't think we were playing that poorly when he did it; we were just getting zero puck luck and playing against a really good D.

    Yeah, it really did seem to be snowballing. Their goalie was giving up rebounds that just never found our stick, not finishing plays, not getting calls, just seemed like everything kind of working against us and it gave them all the confidence for what ended up being a defensive masterpiece down the stretch.  I saw we didn't even get a SOG the last 5.5 minutes which I didn't realize at the time, but yeah, seems right.   Absolutely everything is going right for them in this series and most of that has to do with their play.  We've been a great road team all year so maybe we can win game 3 and it gets interesting again but definitely walked out of that building last night fully realizing may not be back for a hockey game until next October.

  14. 17 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    I'll have to disagree with you there as both a UT-Austin alumnus (M.S. 1999) and the parent of a college kid. I'm fucking pissed about what happened on the 40 acres yesterday and won't give a dime to The University until Hartzell is gone. And, if I heard about riot police assaulting students on the campus of my daughter's college, I'd be livid and call for the head of her university's president.

    I said 90% not 100%.  And I didn't expect most cloak room posters to be in the 90%.  Just stating reality.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    hartzell and eltife both need to go. 


    LOL.  Newsflash.  90%+ of alumni and donors don't give a fuck about the West Mall and whatever flavor of the month protest is in the news even if this was mishandled.  Most of us saw it and rolled our eyes every time we walked past when we were on campus.  Hartzell and Eltife paved the way to the SEC and a competitive football team.  They have kept UT a respectable institution of higher learning for those that want to get educated and get a good job.  They are golden.   


    • Hook 'Em 5
    • Fuck You 6
  16. The Knights didn't tank the end of the regular season.  This side of the bracket is a much tougher path for them.  But I also think they just flipped the switch in the playoffs (combined with the whole magically healthy complete roster thing).

    Not much else to be said.  It's bullshit we are playing a roster way over the cap, particularly in the first round, the refs have done us no favors and we really have not had any puck luck, but none of that matters because we are flat out getting outplayed.  They took our best shot in the first period, got it back on a 2-0 fucking rush, then just settled in and completely outplayed us the last 30 mins of the game.   I thought Otter played great and kept us in the game.  They could have easily blown it open and we just flat out didn't execute at the net on our best chances.   We should absolutely win every game we give up 2 goals or less with the offensive firepower we have (that has looked absolutely non-existent against this Vegas D).   Hintz is completely MIA and has been for a month.  He's in his prime and being paid like an elite player and has disappeared.  Pavelski finally looks his age.  The Duchene/Seguin line isn't doing anything.   

    Stankoven has looked like our best skater from my eyes which should not be the case.  Hell Marchment has flashed more than our big names (and now hurt).

    It's a bad matchup but still a disappointing performance.   Hopefully they can somehow find their game in Vegas (have been a better road team than home this year) and we can do a reverse of the '21 Mavs/Clippers, but all my optimism pretty much went out the window as I sat and watched us flat out get our ass kicked during the 3rd in what was clearly the biggest period of the season.

    Having never played I certainly don't know hockey X's and O's like other sports but starting to think all of the Vegas fans that had confidence Deboer's system is a terrible matchup against what Vegas does knew what they are talking about after the last 11 games.  They own us.

  17. 5 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    I went back and looked at the 4 goals Otter let in:

    1. First goal was on the pp on a tip that no goalie would have stopped

    2. Second goal was terrible coverage from the defense and was a bang-bang play that again, was not otter's fault

    3. Again on the pp, point shot deflected by VGK and cleaned up by them, instead of our D. Again not anything otter could do

    4. Point shot again that Otter never saw.

    I'm not about to excuse Otter's play completely, but the team in front of him was the letdown this game, not him. At least two of the shots he never saw and the other two were just atrocious defensive breakdowns. I think otter will be fine if the team plays better in front of him

    I thought he should have stopped the 2nd shot from the arena although was a clear defensive fuck up that put him in that situation.  Never saw a replay so maybe not as bad as I thought live.  I never saw a replay of the 4th either but heard that point made by someone either post-game or yesterday on the ticket.  Otter also had some good saves after they let in 4 that kept us in the game.  I'm feeling a bounce back performance across the board for this team tonight.   Hopefully from the refs as well.

    • Drool 1
  18. 1 minute ago, Rex Kramer said:

    The defense in front of him is not bad, but is better with Tanev and clearly a healthy Miro and that skewed Otter’s numbers negatively. 

    Bottom line, they need much more out of him, and now. We are right to be concerned. Hope Otter makes me eat crow. 

    The defense was a weak link pre trade-deadline so that is a big part of it.  Tanev has helped significantly but let's not pretend we are 'elite' there.  After the NJ debacle in March, Otter gave up 2 or less goals in 10/11 games to end the season (not counting the empty netter against the Jets).  The Jets game was the only loss (we won at Col 7-4).   That level of play got us the 1 seed.  We almost certainly would have finished 3rd in the division with average goalie play down the stretch.   So I agree with your bottom line but we frankly need better play out of anyone to win this series and every series hereafter.   I guess I have equal concerns about top line play, defense and goalie right now.

    It's kind of bullshit we can't ease into the playoffs against the Kings which i think would have gone 5 at worst. Our side of the bracket, in my view, has 4 of the top 5 teams in the West, but it is what it is.   I think very likely this suddenly healthy Vegas team makes it out of the other side of the bracket had Chicago not choked last Thursday so from that perspective, I think better to get them now.   But need to pick our play up significantly starting tonight or this run will be over quickly.


  19. You guys act like there are Vezina trophy winners just sitting around waiting to be picked up LOL.  Otter is easily a top 10 goalie when he's on his game.  This team clearly needed defensive help in front of him and they got that at the deadline.   I personally have absolutely zero issues with the way the team was constructed this year given contract/cap limitations.  And now we have a "slumping" Otter after one poor game where he had shit help in front of him.  They had like 3.6 expected goals and he gave up 4 so now he sucks forgetting he was absolutely a key (if not the key factor) in winning the west the last month.  If any part of this team is slumping it's our top line.  Helleybuck has given up 11 in 2 games so guess he sucks now as well.

    I'm not saying he doesn't need to play better to win this series, he absolutely does, but so do our top guys and defense.  Harley has been great this year but had a really poor game Monday as well. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  20. 2 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    We just dominated possession, but Vegas was really good last night at just not allowing us any space.  I don't remember them being that good defensively, even last season.

    Top line was complete ass.  

    They pretty much doubled us up in hits.  It was pretty damn clear in the arena that Vegas came to play playoff hockey from the puck drop. Obviously that will never be the Stars style and we don't have their size but I was rooting for someone to risk a boarding call just to send a statement.   The start from the Stars seemed similar to the Mavs game where they thought they could just ease into the playoffs.  We played better as the game wore on and advanced stats had it as pretty much a 50/50 game from an expected goals perspective but obviously need a better start on Weds.   Also, special teams was supposed to be a big Stars advantage in this series statistically and that clearly didn't play out last night.   

    But yeah - I definitely recall losing game 1 at home to both MN and Seattle last year then playing much better game 2.  Hopefully that repeats.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  21. Frustrating start to the playoffs.   Refs were a joke, Harley played terrible, Otter off night, etc. etc.   Not sure we were ready for their physical play.  Played better as the game went on so hopefully a big wake up call.   Sidenote - fuck 9PM weeknight starts.  Damn near 1AM before I got in bed.  Ridiculous.

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