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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. huge

    Nintendo Switch

    7 year old got a Switch for xmas. 46 year old me is spending all my free time on BOTW and I love it. IGN best game of all time and I'm just scratching the surface. Did kill my first mini-boss last night. Ganon is a puss.
  2. Generally I service if there is an issue. If it is not keeping decent time is the biggest indicator. I went over 15 years before my initial service my Rolex SSDJ. Others might tell you to be more proactive.
  3. Unless your daughter needs surgery don't sell that watch. But definitely buy something else new and post pics and add it into your mix.
  4. Too far. I have the same problem with most of my clubs. I've taken to smearing pudding on the face before each shot. It's messy but so are airmails.
  5. I have a $100 GC to UB Preserve and now I'm wondering if I will ever get to use it at something similar. If I use it at GJ I guess I can sit in the bar and order a couple of beers and a pretzel. That's $100 there right?
  6. Yeah, we mock what we don't understand!
  7. There is no wrong way to buy bacon. There might be some ways that are better than others but all are noble.
  8. My grandmother tipped fine. She didn't want anyone to think she was poor. That would be much worse to her than people thinking she was rude.
  9. Street sign tells the story...
  10. My grandmother was the worst to servers. I was mortified by her countless times. One time my dad had to tell his MIL to STFU in front of the extended family. Mom and her sister and brother were all conditioned to stare off into space but something had to be done. Bad times.
  11. Yep I remember it sitting on the shelf at Lys. I bought two there maybe a month apart. Then poof. They gone.
  12. Wait I thought right wingers were in bed with Israel. Now they are also anti-Semitic?
  13. Is this the TD I want? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  14. huge


    That's what I read. This sounds like mostly new characters.
  15. GOT is fantastic until it isn’t. Enjoy
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