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Everything posted by Firemans4Horn

  1. Lindell would be a really good defensemen if he had any ability on offense.
  2. Faksa line has been driving play in the o-zone. Might need a dirty goal off of one of their faces or something to tie it up.
  3. Robertson is shrinking from the moment. Come on Seguin, make a fucking play.
  4. What a terrible call by these shitty refs. Even if it benefits my team.
  5. We were hanging on for dear life on that shift. I don’t think we can stop the Avs on the power play much the rest of this series. Have to play super clean.
  6. Let’s just arbitrarily call penalties. Makes it a great watch for the 3,000 of us that still watch hockey.
  7. Gotta get some offensive zone time Need Seguin to finish more of his chances.
  8. the announcer was the same way. “HE POPPED HIS HELMET OFF. HAS TO BE A PENALTY!!! 😭 😭 😭”
  9. How do we get stuck with these Ball State “Passes it to the Man, and boom goes the dynamite” announcers
  10. One thing I love about PDB’s style is our calm 8 foot passes in our d zone to relieve pressure. Obviously been worked on thousands of times in practice but we look very calm in the d zone even if pressured.
  11. The only penalties we’ve got have been from CO pitching it over the boards. So doesn’t help when they take one away from us.
  12. finally. Playing Nils for 90 seconds a game was ridiculous. Just find a depth guy that can play 8 minutes a game and not shit their pants.
  13. This is loser baseball tonight
  14. These guys are playing defense like they owe Ohtani’s bookie some serious money.
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