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Everything posted by Firemans4Horn

  1. It’s the same camera from when “Cousy stole the ball”. Only difference is the picture isn’t in black and white.
  2. These Paces uniforms are terrible.
  3. Unai by a country mile. But if you care one iota about these stupid post season team of the year awards that’s on you.
  4. Going to Haight Asbury for lunch and then walking over to Golden Gate Park for the rest of the afternoon is a life well lived.
  5. Dinner recommendations in Rome(with two kids)? Staying near the Forum.
  6. Dumb question amnesty…. so I downloaded Delta what is the best way to add games after that?
  7. If you want a picture with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background make sure to stop at either the Dana Bowers rest area or Golden Gate View Point on the north end of the bridge.
  8. Liverpool FC: 24/25 ”Arne Slot, Why Not” ”Arne Slot, Let’s win a pot” ”Arne Slot NaNaNaNa” any favorites amongst those?
  9. The Real Madrid/Man City fan that shows up in May. What a goober.
  10. Jokic looked like he couldn’t move 5 more feet. I thought it was weird they didn’t foul but I think all 12 guys and the coaches knew they didn’t have it in their legs.
  11. Nugs won the title last year. They have the institutional knowledge to know what it takes. Edwards will be a tough guard and Minnesota will bang it inside (thank god we picked up Gafford).
  12. Weird series with all the blowouts. Congrats to the TWolves.
  13. Come on white Tony Brothers, he got the timeout.
  14. Jokic looks like me after a full day of skiing. Legs are jelly.
  15. Naz Reid is a bulldog. Love his game (and don’t want to watch the Mavs face him).
  16. Jokic is going to play 47 minutes. He needed more rest.
  17. Surprised that was a goal tend considering the angle it bricked off the backboard.
  18. Ah yes, the inaccurate thread title is the reason for the constant thread shitting. Thanks, Keep the hot takes coming.
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