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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. damn my bad. i forgot the order of battle. I was thinking platoon. not battalion. on the submarine we'd get about 100 of those freeloading mouth breathers that came onboard. only about 15-20 of them were actual SEALs. The rest of them were faggot wannabe divers. Or as A-gang called them, SEALs bitches.
  2. i may have combining red wing and extortion 17 incidents.
  3. When I was launching smart pigs in the middle of the night. I said, damn I'm just trying to reassure some rich guy that his pipes work.
  4. I was doing a project when I was still in oil and gas and they sent me to bumfuck Kansas. Our company at the time insisted we take the clients out for the closeout meeting. We'd figured we would hit up the steak restaurant. Client insisted we go to to their local sushi joint as it was one of the best sushi places in Kansas. I've had sushi all over the world and thoroughly enjoy sushi. I had to bite my tongue and kept saying how good that sushi was. At that moment in my life, I finally figured out I was no better than a hooker telling the client how good it felt.
  5. They gave me 2 months of corporate housing so I guess I can figure out where I want to live when I get up there. As far as steaks. I can cook a steak like no other, but I do enjoy a good steak cooked at a restaurant. As far as housing, my goal is 20 acres and a puppy so the first year I'm probably going to look at an apartment, it doesn't have to be nice, but I rather stay away from the methier areas. My experience with the midwest, the whiter it is the methier.
  6. He would but the SEALs took all the book.deals. he's got kids to feed
  7. i want to live where i can get dim sum at
  8. i'm definitely Chinese Cantonese. And the area is where I'm working is Papillion.
  9. So I got a random recruiter call and META is paying me a shit ton of money to work at a data center in Omaha. What's a good place to live there? I'm gonna double the Asian population
  10. I would think every single one of those tunnels are rigged with explosives too. This whole thing reminds me of Command and Conquer video game. You have the West, A China/Russia Pact, and a conglomerate of terrorists.
  11. They are trying to avoid Mogadishu and Operation Red Wings type stuff. Military always says lessons and procedures are written in blood. We lost a lot of special forces fighting terrorists in the urban desert environment because those guys learned that hiding in civilian populations set up easy ambush. I think after Red wings when we lost 2 battalions of Tier 1 operators, it was quietly pushed that some collateral damage was acceptable. ie drop smaller bombs
  12. I can't wait until China invades Taiwan. I'm going to start beating Taiwanese in the middle of the street and blame them for things.
  13. So all that area is just a fucking strip of desert. It's unlivable land unless you spend a lot of fucking money to build up the infrastructure. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza that is happening. It already has been happening. The gulf oil states send them billions of dollars a year. The money does not go to the Palestinians. It goes directly to the same spoiled bastards the enrich themselves in the name of Allah, while they are living in mansions and banging western prostitutes and using drugs. When Yassar Arafat died, you know the dude who was the head of the PLA. His estimated wealth was over 50 billion dollars. They are still trying to track where that money went. People can blame Israel all they want for cutting off access and supplies. But if you have 50 billion dollars and you get paid a ton of money in aid of year. It's like 5-10 billion. How can you not bring a strip on the coast with a border to Egypt back into the modern world. It's simple. Because the dudes in charge don't want to. The leaders of Hamas live in Qatar in luxury mansions. If the Palestinian cause went away, their money would go away. It's just like the homeless epidemic in America. Why would the director of Homeless services who gets paid 5 million dollars a year want to solve the homeless crisis. If that happens, then their money goes away.
  14. They went out with us on the submarine a few times. Back then, they all wanted to join Blackwater. Now the cool thing is book deals
  15. It's the same crowd that says minorities can't be racist.
  16. heard reports of a 3 mile convoy rolling through Iraq with Iranian backed insurgents rolling to Syria.
  17. Go to Asian grocery store that sells roast pork. Ask them for the head. They usually throw that away so they will sell it to you for cheap.
  18. It was weird hanging out with Israelis and Palestinians back then. The issue would be brought up and those dudes would be good ass friends but they also knew they would without a doubt murder each other if they got called back to fight.
  19. I was a freshmen at UT when 9/11 happened. I had signed up for a War and Conflict course. The prof said fuck this and threw out his syllabus. It was an interesting class but we had speakers come in and said the US deserved it. Some people including me were angry but a lot of people said yeah. The Palestinian cause and US interests absolutely caused 9/11 to happen and the people who died deserved it. I was absolutely appalled. I was doing a work study with a guy from Pakistan and he said the same thing. It really opened my eyes. 20 years later and after being in the military I still feel that if you attack a military target. Then that's free game. I don't care. Civilians are absolutely not part of it. You shoot civilians and kidnap civilians then you're a terrorist. If anyone sides with them then they are aiding terrorists
  20. Ah so it's the ol' Romeo and Juliet bit. No sir, I did not fire the missile at you but I did fire the missile sir.
  21. Terrorists vs Carnies. Didn't see that one on my 2023 bingo card
  22. Al Jazeera is the mouth piece of the government of Saudi Lite. It's the same people that allow Hamas to have offices in Doha.
  23. Just wait until the Boys of Fall show up
  24. They were selling tamales from their trunk?
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