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Everything posted by Soldierhorn

  1. I think the trick is getting wheels that others DONT want....
  2. I recommend that you "Donk" it up and make the snatching worth the effort this time round.
  3. If I told you... then I wouldnt be able to get your next set of wheels! Undoubtedly, you are going to buy better ones this time round.
  4. I bought up to YDNA 67. What's the highest match? 100-something? I have been tempted to buy up to that level when the next sale comes out... but my suspicions are that it wont add anything more than what I have now. I could be wrong but I think for someone to be more than YDNA-67 match, they would be a direct relative within a few generations and those are people I know... and I have more than I need already. If I was adopted and trying to find direct relatives, I would probably pay for the highest I could get. I think I would rather spend the money and get more packets in order to get other cheap SOB relative males to become part of the data base, and the responses would then come back to me. The Cherokee cousin several times removed could likely be a 37 or 67 point match (According to our family oral history, supposedly, we have three separate lines of Cherokee but that is not unusual with a linage of four hundred years in the south, esp with Scott/Irish background. For whatever reason, the Scott/Irish and Cherokee seemed to intermix a lot). The way I see it, if a person is a high match, they will also be a 37 or 67 pt match as well and I will get an email notification regardless. Your YDNA-37 could still pick up a guy that is many generations and hundreds of genealogical years removed like I am with the bloke in England (that's an assumption; there were several migrations of our surname including one group in the 1800s through New Orleans). I took my FamilyTreeDNA test about a decade ago, if not more and I still get weekly notices of matches; got a YDNA-12 match notice yesterday matter of fact. I generally dont chase after YDNA-12 results until I accumulate quite a few of them and check them all out at the same time. And, every once in a while I will get an email directly from a person outside of the FamilyTreeDNA automatic response. Once I got an email from a guy form Hamilton, TX (or that is what his profile said) and we are definitely related (37 pt match). Hamilton is a short ride NW of Gatesville. He hadnt done any genealogy work so there wasnt anywhere to go with the information. I told him the surnames of my ancestors buried in the cemeteries up in that area and if he finds something that matches to let me know. Low and behold, we ended up stationed at Camp Liberty in Iraq at the same time and had lunch a few times. We are definitely related somehow but we just cant figure out how just yet. That never would have happened without taking the FamilyTreeDNA test.
  5. Sarcasm? anyway... yes I have seen it and that will work for a while. But once a couple of thousand satellites are in low orbit, you will be able to connect to any country just as easy, if not easier, then you can now in this country. You can get better internet in other countries now and it's much cheaper at the same time. Once you take away who owns what towers, and what lines and the few current high orbit digital communication satellites, then true competition should win out. At that point, carriers in the US will not or should not be able to extort high prices in the near future.
  6. agree... and I have found the YDNA as the most useful tool for genealogy purposes; everything else has been pretty much fluff, IMO (other than medical info of course), esp the halo groupings - great marketing but of little value even if they were accurate, which I doubt they are. The guy in England that I mentioned earlier as a DNA match is someone I never knew and very little chance of ever knowing; the only way we "know" each other is from the results of YDNA test match in a database and communicate via emails. If you are serious about genealogy, have some men in different lines of the family take a YDNA test. I ordered another packet and I'm planning on going up to the Okiehoma indian reservation. We have a direct male relative on my mom's maternal side of Cherokee decent from the Trail of Tears who would be a great candidate for this.
  7. A quote from that link: "If you’re serious about using DNA as a tool in your genealogy toolkit and you can only afford to test with one company, then the company to test with is Family Tree DNA." FamilyTreeDNA is the one that have found the most useful for genealogy purposes. They're the oldest (going back to the '90s) and had the largest worldwide database to get potential matches.
  8. well, if you dont value genealogy, then dont do it. Over the past 10 years I've received some really good info and leads helping my research from people all over the world. For example, a guy in southern England and I are related somehow with a 37 pt match and we just have to find that common person in the 1600s that came to America (probably Boston but it could have been Carolinas). He wrote a book taking his English ancestry (same surname) back to 1068 so finding this one match would be huge with regards to family history.
  9. good info. I have taken several genealogical DNA tests and Ancestry has been the least informative and useful.
  10. This will happen and everyone needs internet access so they'll get away with it. Surprised it hasn't already happened. I dont think that will happen. Once enough low orbit satellites are up and working, 5G will become ubiquitous and will change the current paradigm. If anything, internet price will likely go down in price.
  11. yeah, it's impressive. People will pay $100, $150, $200 a month and then whine that they only watch 5 channels. There is no way people can watch THAT much tv and get anything done at all. amazing
  12. There will always be those that will over pay for convenience reasons or to impress other people.
  13. Not trying to be a smart-aleck but if you are not the executor, then it takes as long as it takes. The estate doesnt sound complicated but if the executor takes the probate route with a lawyer, then it can eat up time and money. I recently was the executor of my mom's estate and did it without probate or a lawyer. The accounts and titled property were settled and dispensed IAW the will using a letter of testamentary. Of course none of the siblings contested the planned distribution. If they did, we would have had to waste money on probate.
  14. yes, there are several computer recycle trade-in shops here in Killeen and I'm sure there are some in Austin. Make a mental note of some stuff you might need and go in see what they will give you towards a purchase of an item. couldnt hurt. I use to go into these stores regularly and trade old parts for other old parts. I use to help older people at the community center fix their old computers and to do that, I generally needed old parts. About 10 yrs ago, an older lady said her computer quit working and I told her I would swing by and see what I could do. She was on the Bell County Historical commission and did the research for dozens of historical markers. No joke... she was still doing her work on a computer from the mid-'80s and she was still saving her data on 5.25" floppy disk. This computer did everything she thought she needed and she wasnt interested in learning a new program, or updated software or hardware. Luckily, I was able to get her computer, which was essentially a word processor, to work again and she was satisfied. Subsequently, I built her a computer with windows 7 that also had a working A drive (3.5" floppy), B drive (5.25" floppy), C drive of course, and D drive (RW CD/DVD drive) so she could read her old floppies and copy them to 3 1/2 or Compact Disks. Ultimately, she wasnt interested in learning a new system and went back to her old DOS system. I expected her to do that but I tried anyway.
  15. yeah, I loaded "The Players Club" IPTV on my FireBox and watched LHN through it as well as other subscriber cable channels such as all the ESPN channels, FOX sports channels, FOXnews (but I like the free ROKU FOX news format better than the live version), some PPV events, etc. I dont watch a lot of TV - even the LHN - so that's about all I tried on the IPTV. I had the IPTV as a separate program than the Koddi setup (which has its own media player) so I needed to load a media player on the Firebox separately as well. Since I dont watch tv very much (listen to AM radio much more), I ended up letting the IPTV service lapse after the season even though it only cost about $5/month. I will likely decide in August if I will restart the same IPTV or try a different one. However, I will probably end up with the Player's Club again since it did everything I needed and a lot more that I didnt try.
  16. yeah, if he makes it a family affair, they could save a lot of toilet water. It's worth a try
  17. because the wife might not like it when the girlfriend comes over to camp out
  18. a coyote that works for ACME can do it and dont try to tell me my childhood was a lie 'cus I'm not hearin' it
  19. Yeah, I think I'm going to check in on H2O. Same data and text but cheaper and on the AT&T network backbone sounds like a winner. I've been on Boost for a long time and I really dont have any complaints but if another product is better then it's something to look at.
  20. nah, he too excited to build the obnoxious glass cathedral SEZ to show off heavy donors. It's going to be like looking at bears at the zoo behind a glass wall
  21. GOOD PICs! Obviously, the coon was left handed. WRT the clasps trap: have you tried burying the clasp about 4 inches, then covering it with a piece of plywood (maybe 2'x2') with about a 1" or hole over the trap and some dirt on top of the plywood? it's a poor man's version of a dog trap. Put bait on the claps, cover with wood w/hole over trap, cover wood with dirt/leaves/grass/straw, pour sardine juice (sardines in oil works) on the dirt around the hole. when the critter puts his hand through the hole in the plywood to get the bait, there's a good chance he will trigger the trap.
  22. This logic is interesting: go ahead and execute the vermin because they MIGHT have a hard time adapting in another place. LOL classic. Do the coons get a vote on what they would prefer?
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