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Posts posted by HookEm

  1. Looking at it again makes me ragey. Hate the lack of symmetry. One side is steep as it should be. Other side of the court has a stupid shallow grade. It will look so dated in 10 years.

    That design is bad and the designer should feel bad. And the regents should also feel bad for approving this POS.

  2. It took me 6 months after release to finally see it in a theater (dollar movie). The movie came out right after Columbine and there was a lot of talk about sensationalizing violence and scenes in the movie with trenchcoats and killing and such. I just didn't feel like watching it with the school shooting so fresh.

    Then I finally watched it and thought it was groundbreaking and amazing and had absolutely zero to do with any of that Columbine crap.

    I tried to show it to my son a year or two ago and he got so freaked out by the bug in belly button that he couldn't finish it.

  3. Nice little birthday present from the in-laws...


    Handle of Antique. Apparently he has 8 handles that he bought some years ago because he likes the high proof whisky in his coke! He can't believe anybody would drink it neat.





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  4. If you want more people at the games, step 1 is to put a product on the court that doesn't make you want to gouge your eyes out.

    I swear this is the most frustrating team I have ever watched play. Jacking up brick 3 after brick 3 is just such a beating to watch.

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