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Left Coast

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Everything posted by Left Coast

  1. Apparently he doesn’t understand the Amish will provide terrible TV ratings.
  2. 220,000+ dead The economy in the shitter Current president embracing white power and crazy conspiracy theories, not to mention grifting every chance he gets And you think I or anyone else am supposed to give a single solitary shit about Hunter Biden? L-O-fucking L.
  3. I literally cannot tell what is real and what is fake anymore with the Trump tweets.
  4. There are not 1 million rural votes in Nevada. It is all empty desert, and NV has one of the highest % of residents living in urban areas of any state.
  5. In a state of 40 million, we have our dumbshits here too. Let’s see if the California strategy pays off. I do like the fact that he judges everything by what he can see: rally attendance! boat parades! TV ratings! It’s like when my 3 year old covers her eyes and since she can’t see you, you are no longer there. Except my 3 year old probably has a better grasp of the fact that things actually exist out of her line of sight.
  6. Ballot officially received by LA County. The only partisan races on my ballot were President and Congress, so that was easy (Biden and Schiff respectively). Damn it feels good...
  7. Here in Southern California there is an ad running for Christy Smith, who is running for a Congressional seat. The ad features two “villains”, talking about how their agenda is terrible for America, yadda yadda yadda. The two villains? Mitch McConnell and..... Ted Cruz. They are literally using a Texas senator who basically has accomplished nothing as the bogeyman for voters here. That is how unliked he is, and how easy he is to target.
  8. Translation: I asked the Chinese to meddle in our election on my behalf and they said no.
  9. Trump’s problem is that he’s already created so much noise that there is basically nothing he can do, short of Biden keeling over, to change the trajectory of this race. He can shout “socialism”, “court packing”, “Hunter”, etc etc all he wants, nothing will change. He says so many crazy things every single day that people have just tuned it out. It’s white noise. He can get crazier, for sure, but if anything that will have an even further negative impact (for him) on the election results.
  10. Unfortunately more like Hulk Hogan 2020...
  11. The comparisons grow more apropos every day...
  12. What makes me happy is that every day that passes with Trump yelling his verbal diarrhea at his echo chamber of Fox News, Hannity, Rush, and Twitter, is that it’s one less day he has to convince Americans that he is the guy for the job. Sure, blathering to the idiots that already support him will reassure them that they are doing the right thing. But is he reaching anyone else, much less convincing them he is sane? Tick, tick, tick ..... sayonara mother fucker.
  13. Well if there’s one thing Don would know, it’s how to time an affair.
  14. So Dotard gives Biden the stage all to himself, plus the added benefit of COVID Mary doing a rally for his mouth-breathing supporters, causing (another) super spreader event. Trump campaign: “Check and mate!”
  15. I’ve seen forest fires described as many things: raging, destructive, devastating, inferno, deadly. But I’ve never seen one described as “ridiculous”. I’m sure this will help with his bold “let’s win California” strategy. Let’s see if it pays off...
  16. This is like a Facebook political argument in real time.
  17. Maybe this will push him into the lead here in California. I hear the race is close.
  18. Donated to a political campaign for the first time ever. Steve Bullock, Alan Gross, Theresa Greenfield, Jaime Harrison, Mike Espy, and even Doug Jones (mostly cause of Bama Chick) got some money. I don’t think my contributions are going to put anyone over the line, but it just makes me feel better to think maybe, just maybe, I had a little to do with these GOP assholes going down.
  19. So we should be watering the forest in addition to raking it? Does he think it’s like a golf course and you just install some Rainbirds? This guy is so fucking dumb.
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