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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. UIL state championships start up Thursday with 4A / 3A. Friday is 5A/2A and Saturday concludes with 6A/1A where all eyes will be on the boys 4x100 with Atascocita v Duncanville. Katy Tompkins and Galena Park North Shore also in that race which should be a doozy. Looks like the weather is going to be pretty damn nice for Friday and absolutely perfect on Saturday.
  2. You know these assholes are pulling some grade-A bullshit when even Twice isn't in here with the old "well actually..." line.
  3. But I was told many times that Roberts cares so much about the perception of the court.
  4. This is where I am and agree with you that it's not a power play. Being a middle-aged white dude working in O&G everyone assumes I'm a fascist magat like they are. I get the same kind of talk from contractors that work for me, not the other way around. I wonder if they would tone it down if I started refusing to sign off on their invoices?
  5. No shit. Kind of like an idiot carrying god damn ammo on a plane.
  6. I wonder how many people getting mad about this are the same ones that gave Britney Griner shit for carrying a bit of weed into Russia?
  7. It won’t amount to anything, but at least someone is going through the motions of doing something about it.
  8. Good thing her kids didn’t spill their milk at breakfast on rampage day.
  9. These fucksticks are ready to make sure trumpco comes out fine in the end.
  10. It’s only 9:00 and CoffeyTimeNews has already won the internet for today.
  11. Yours is the only profession that can drag something like the contempt thing out for days. Any other profession, you’re getting run off for milking it this much.
  12. So no ruling, waste of time. Got it.
  13. Did the judge ever make a ruling on the contempt thing or did they basically waste a day for nothing?
  14. Problem is they are going to fart around for months and not make it official until way after the election. Job done.
  15. Nah, pawn it off to a substitute judge and get on with the shit show.
  16. I pulled out my previous year tax return and opened the spreadsheet where I keep monthly updates on my shit. The entire FAFSA deal took 10 minutes. Not sure what the big deal about it is.
  17. No shit. Last I checked, most murderers are in custody while their trials are ongoing.
  18. But there are a lot of crazy fuckers running around.
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