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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. Which actually happens fwiw. Malvo in the diner was spooky.
  2. “I know now why you cry. But it is something I can never do.”
  3. Tin pot dictator has grown accustomed to ruling his own little fiefdom. An upstart group of rebels defy him so he kicks them out of their home. Rebels stage an insurrection at the homecoming parade. Their leader goes so far as seducing the dictator’s wife. Animal House
  4. Yeah but he’ll grow up to be an ahole.
  5. “Be careful, Boys. She might be armed with a gun or kitchen spray.” Season 5 is the best Fargo yet. Fight me
  6. And while you’re googling, search “Gordon Kahl.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Kahl
  7. Tillman in that Facebook stream reminds me of Rex Tibor, “Tiborasaurus Rex. Find him on YouTube. I took a shooting class from him several years ago. Sometime later he flaked out and went all Q Anon.
  8. That’s what I’m referrring to. Aren’t fans calling it Legacy?
  9. So we aren’t gonna get a Star Trek: Legacy, are we?
  10. I presume a large share of those $8.5B of “profits” are unrealized capital gains?
  11. You ride bike in the cold? I love it. Makes you feel alive.
  12. They killed his friend. So:
  13. Dunno I’m oot, atm. Gonna get real cold when I’m back. Bike ride Saturday is gonna be fun.
  14. Lotsa great movies category. Like most of my favorite movies fall into this category. ”Man on Fire” is the hands down #1. Watching those guys all be tortured makes me happy. Blow up a kidnapper out of his butthole? Yes. The debate is for #2 and my vote is Predator. Alien brings all that tech to the jungle and starts a fight. Loses.
  15. Oh you still would. So would I. So would we all.
  16. I mean, I had a hard time watching Roy and Dot checking out of the hospital and Dot writing, “Help me,” on the release form. That kinda shit actually happens.
  17. You’re bringing your felonious cousin-in-laws into your home? Just tell your wife no. At the very least they can stay at a hotel and come over for dinner.
  18. Tillman is worse because he’s not a cartoon. Put him in the real world and he’d still be a statutory rapist/abuser. Put Malvo in the real world and he’d quickly be arrested for harassing/trespassing/being a weirdo.
  19. What would it take to buy Surly and take it private?
  20. Buffalo Wild Wings went to crap when Arby’s bought them.
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