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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. So how contested is the airspace over the battlefield? Will these kickass American F16’s be able to show us what they do?
  2. North by Northwest. I hate to be that guy, but this move is overrated. Overcomplicated plot. The train going into the tunnel inuendo was good.
  3. Your mother’s been telling you stories about me.
  4. Most of the quotes in this thread have been repeated at least 2 times.
  5. Vanguard tried charging me quarterly “account fees” for my low-mid 6 figure holdings 18 months ago. Must not have gone over well as they haven’t tried it since.
  6. Well for fuck’s sake. Saudi Arabia has trillions of dollars of oil revenue and we sell them all the weapons they want. And in all this time they haven’t built up the ability to defend their own territory?
  7. I’m not questioning the strategic intent or anything, and definitely not saying it’s easy. what are these missile/drone launch sites like? How mobile are they? What is their supply chain? Is it practical to take out a bunch with missiles/bombs?
  8. TRT in his case is supplemental testosterone at like 3x what a regular person takes. That, plus dialed in nutrition and a dedicated gym regimen and there you are.
  9. *TRT. And he’s been very open about it, just like alotta men getting action movie roles, nttawwt. Difference here is he isn’t denying it.
  10. Inflation is high, my stock portfolio is higher. Should I be whining?
  11. Russia has been America’s bitch since we conned them out of Alaska.
  12. Yeah Indira warming Lorraine up with that comparison was boss level negotiation.
  13. Casablanca, for the first time in my life. Too many quotes to count, but my favorite: "I am shocked, SHOCKED that there is gambling going on here." "Your winnings, Sir." "Thank you."
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