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  1. In any other election they would abolutely be disqualifying. But what to do when you only have 3 choices and all of them have disqualifying issues. Trumps are the most disqualifying. Between Biden and RFK I am leaning towards RFK. He has positions that I think are incredibly stupid but he at least has explanations for them. As far as I can tell RFK is not clinically mentally impaired. Biden is. We have all seen family/friends in this state. He is going to be 10x worse a year from now and I can not imagine any scenario he makes it for 4 years. So when he inevitably has to go it will be a massive shit show and horrible for the country. We will wind up with an unelected POTUS and the fallout will be devastating. We can easily withstand 4 years of RFK. Some of his positions are ridiculous but none of them would have even a .000001% chance of getting approved by congress or the courts. He gets a lame duck 4 years and then hopefully the parties run solid candidates in 2028.
  2. Like I said I do love this place. The fact that you even typed "But, it could also have floated to shore and been eaten by cannibals" is just proof of how deranged some of you get. So a plane goes down and the lone survivor gets rescued many hours later. There are no other bodies around. They search the area for hours looking but find nothing. But you suggested that sometime later the body came loose from the wreck and washed up on a beach. And further that some cannibals found it and decided to eat a many days old dead and decomposing body that was completely infected. You truly think that is possible? Even cannibals dont eat many days old rotten infested human remains. LOL
  3. Like I said. I saw something about this on tiktok, which is not exactly a bastion of truth and accuracy. It sounded so over the top crazy that I decided to look it up and found out that it was, in fact, true. I found that simply amazing. This isn't I graduated in the top half of my law school or some other Biden embellishment. For me, telling a family story abou fucking cannabilism that is so easily disproven is a mental acuity line being crossed that I had never seen before from Biden. I can not invision any politician (even bat shit crazies like MTG or SJL but certainly not a head of state) short of maybe Kim Jong telling a story involving cannabilsm that was so easily proven to be untrue. I don't follow this stuff as closely as most of these guys do. I knew Biden was losing it a bit and have seen clips of him looking confused etc. And most politicians will embellish their own history including academic prowess or business prowess or athletic prowess or whatever. I undertsand why they do that to make themselves look better. To me, this was different. It was Fonzi jumping the shark. If you were talking to some old man and he told you his uncle was shot down in WW2 over new guinea and that they never recovered his body because of cannibals, your first thought would probably be that that is an amazing story. If you then looked it up and you found that the story was not true and that cannibals had nothing to do with not recovering the body you would probably think that that old man had completely lost it. Why bring up cannibals at all? You for sure would not think that old man was the POTUS.
  4. Nice dodge. Only two things are possible. His staff wrote his remarks and included the word cannibal (which seems highly unlikely because his staff is not senile and would be able to easily fact check the story and know that there was no possible way that cannibals played any role whatsoever in the body recovery of his uncle and they would know that if he used the word he would come off as a senile old man which they are trying desperately to avoid) or Biden went off script. Lets assume Biden told his staff the story because how else would they even know about it? I find it hard to believe that when he told his staff the story that he left out the cannibal part and hopefully even the craziest of you would agree that the staff would not include the word cannibal in his prepared remarks. Heck maybe he didn't tell them about the cannibal part and just sprung it on them live. I can not imagine the instant dread felt by every member of his team when they heard him say it. So that is why I think he was told not to use the word cannibal. If I am wrong then the alternative is 100X worse.
  5. When you come into an argument and mis represent what the other sides argument is and then use the wrong clip to further your argument and then go full retard about someone that wasnt even the subject of the argument then the kindest thing anyone can do for you is offer faux disdain.
  6. He was working from a prepared speech. It was written down. Are you suggesting that his staff does not proof read his prepared statements multiple times? You think he wrote it himself and hid it from everyone? Do you think the word cannibal was written on his paper he was referencing?
  7. Stupid is as stupid types. "everything else was demonstrably correct". Your words. What was demonstrably correct about "they couldn't find the body because there were cannibals for real in that part of new guinea" Yes they couldn't find the body and yes there were cannibals in that part of new guinea. Those two statements are demonstrably correct. But "they couldn't find the body BECAUSE there were cannibals" is demonstrably incorrect. Lets play this out a bit. Do you think Biden has told that story before and been corrected by his staff or do you think that was the first time he ever told the story publicly?
  8. Still laughing. The attempted spin from you and Roma is impressive though. Lets pretend FF did have the exact same family story. Then FF got into politics. Then FF was runninmg for relection for POTUS and everyone thought he had mental issues. So one of the biggest issues his campain is trying to deal with is to not let him seem like a dementia patient. If FF still told the story and used the word cannibal it would absolutely be a sign that he was mentally infirm. Especially considering that there is undeniable information that is easily found by a 10 year old that the story waqs untrue. His entire staff is engaged in trying to not let him look like a senile old man. I am sure they told him he could use the story about his uncle dying in the war and how it would be used to show how bad Trump is. But they told him, under no ciscumstance can you utter the word cannibal. But he did.
  9. Just too funny and perfect. Dahobbs- Even when I was high I did not think anyone would try this line of spin. Sorry I underestimated you. Of course this was a "family" story. I am sure Biden has told it many times. The issue is that he has been in government forever, has been a senator forever, the vice president and now president. Google has been around for a while now. It is absolutely impossible that he has not been corrected on the story numerous times over the years by his staff. Yet in a heated campain where his mental state is a huge issue he still said it again. The reason that is so bad and so indicative of his mental state is that everyone, except apparently Biden himself, knows the story is bogus and, most importantly, knows that it is easily refuted. Like I said, if he just never says the word cannibal this story never gets traction. When he said cannibal it immediately sensationalized the story. But he said it anyway. I love this too. "(3) "Shot down" - wrong based on army records (although those aren't always known to be 100% accurate). " LMAO. You do realize that one man did survive the crash right? He was able to tell what happened. He was rescued at sea. Every member of Biden's team knows this. Roma. As always, I appreciate your important service to the board.
  10. flower blooming in your mind. I love this place sometimes. There are 2 different clips of this. One where Biden is walking and talking with the press and one where he is inside giving a riveting campain speech. I quoted the speech where he was inside. I posted it twice. You guys keep quoting from the impromptu speech outside. In the official speech he gave inside his exact words (still laughing that someone called me out for saying almost exactly because I eliminated the weird pauses) were the following- "And he got shot down in new guinea and uh they never found the body because there used to be uh a lot of cannibals for real in that part of new guinea" Spin away.
  11. You watched this clip? What do you think he said? https://apnews.com/article/biden-uncle-world-war-ii-cannibals-trump-4f3b7d1c988e041fbc07f60f952ca95f
  12. Jesus. Don't be that guy. I'm high. I was typing as I listened to the clip. Its 99% his exact words minus a huh. Or watch for yourself and have an actual interesting take.
  13. Watch the clip. His almost exact words were "he was shot down in new guinea and they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals for real in that part of new guinea" Hell I wasnt even wanting to comment on the fact that in that little clip he said his uncle was 1) a pilot-he wasn't 2) that he volunteered for this mission because soomeone else couldnt go- he was simply a courier/passenger on the flight 3) that he was shot down- his plane had engine failure over the ocean and no shots were fired 4) he said that later on he had people down there that found some of the airplane- the plane is at the bottom of the ocean. If that is all he said, I would have never even thought to fact check it. But he claimed cannibalism. Everyone is going to fact check it. I assume his team at least sort of went over this story with him beforehand. I can not believe that the word cannibal came up in the briefing. How could it? They all knew the story was wildly innacurate from the get go but it seemed harmless enough so they just assumed they could spin it. I mean its just as tragic to go down over engine failure in a war as a passenger. But when he said cannibal every wingnut, myself included, was going to look up the story. And, of course, fox news and Trump and the GOP will have an absolute field day with it and there is no defense.
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