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Everything posted by MoJames

  1. List of odd and quirky films you enjoy from the past decade?
  2. So many of these comments are so derivative. That being said, those of us who are not incults got this thread rolling and set it up for all the awards.
  3. Probably not. As the vast majority of the fans in the world root for a team with cash. Barca, Real Madrid, Bayern, Manure, Man City, Chelsea, PSG, Juventus, etc
  4. Your welcome guys. Glad to give you a year or two of Jorgi and maybe 3 or 4 of Trossard. It must be annoying rooting for a team where you brag is that you can't spend much money. Also we just like spreading our assists around... Got that is awful.
  5. Mudryk is driving me nuts. So many poor passes and touches.
  6. Forgot it started with Kai's pass.
  7. https://v.redd.it/hhnnqic24qma1
  8. That was the hardest goal ever to get. Here we go.
  9. Just a great job hitting the framework as of late.
  10. When did @Katfid54 start working for the Cartel?
  11. Looks like I'm cancelling my Bahamas trip as it's too risky.
  12. What you can get 3 points out of a game? Also, W. Fofana is good.
  13. For the new entries as well I always forget about it but enjoy it every time I see it on.
  14. MoJames

    New Music 2023

    I am Easy to Find was their worst effort collectively, but Light Years is one of the best songs they have produced.
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