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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. So what's left to do? Test the belt for low-probative touch DNA? If Fennell's is on there...well they lived together in a small space, were lovers. If Reed's is on there, well we were having a consensual affair, so.... If random's are on there, well it's been handled by many throughout the investigation and is certainly contaminated. Test it anyway, I guess. And get the johnny-come-lately witnesses who claim Stacy was seeing Rodney under OATH in court to testify, for a credibility determination.
  2. Honestly, the media is irresponsible as hell and people don't bother to research for themselves. Specifically, when this case is discussed on air anywhere, they never fail to mention Jimmy Fennell and his later conviction for sexually assaulting someone in his custody. Yet, Reed's more horrific acts closely tracking the M.O. in this case is almost invariably never mentioned. I honestly believe many of those protesting simply don't know. And for those who do,, if you're going to say one's other bad acts shouldn't amount to guilt in a separate case, fine, but then stating with certainty that Fennell did it is just dumb. Oh and I firmly believe Fennell is a piece of crap, but he's also a very lucky, convenient red herring for Reed and his supporters.....the evidence does not at all add up for him to have possibly done this.
  3. I'm a "young" 40-something, lol. Thanks for all the tips. I'm going to a show (some singer/rapper) at Brooklyn Steel on Sunday night. Other than that, I'm open....would like not to freeze my Texan ass off, but am interested in stuff like the botanical gardens and possibly Coney Island/aquarium. Maybe a museum visit but not really looking to spend a half day doing that. Will likely stay in the borough. Anyone been to any of the Brooklyn comedy clubs like Eastside or anything?
  4. 2 nights but the bulk of 3 days, leaving 11/16. Recs?? I think I'm staying in Williamsburg but not even sure of that yet. TIA.
  5. any aggy is always "too aggy," and if it doesn't concern you, I'd say you can fuck off.
  6. Wait, so the Syria debacle did not in fact cause Trump to lose his mandate from heaven? Pat Robertson says the danger has passed?
  7. Unfuckingbelievable. Barr needs to be hauled before Congress to answer some questions. If this story doesn't blow up like a m'fr, we are officially well into the Nothing Matters phase.
  8. I'm partial to "White Settlement" myself.
  9. Anyone else thing Tom always looks hungover? Sweaty, shaky, bloodshot eyes....
  10. I finally believe Tom that he didn't know who we were going to play this week
  11. Just watch it morph into "Dems/Deep State spying on us poor patriots" once more.
  12. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but the fact they were both scheduled to be deposed by the House today and tomorrow ... and Barr knew about (and supposedly "supported") the investigation into these guys, an investigation in which he himself is implicated.....and they have just now conveniently been arrested, so they cannot be or won't be able to be deposed for the foreseeable future?
  13. Not so good for Pete's carpetbagging next run for office, methinks
  14. Jesus fucking christ, is anyone willing to save the Republic?
  15. Why is his brother's name "Jo" like a girl's name instead of Joe?
  16. Just senseless. Life is awful sometimes. Screw that road and screw motorcycles. Rest easy, Ced.
  17. The following is not getting any attention: "No yelling, shouting, protesting or anything viewed as resistance will be tolerated at the event." Nice.
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