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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. 100%. It's just comic-book level villainy that not a single person would cheer for, even an idiot deplorable, if it were in a movie
  2. Where is the news coverage of the the findings in the oversight report? I.e., selling out our foreign policy for personal profit and endangering the country in the process? I'm not really seeing it.
  3. Exhibit A: Schumer's response = way too fucking many words to say that the R's outright lie about wanting to cover pre-existing conditions. They need to start using the word "lie" straight-up, no more fancy, run-on sentences. Because it's the only way to accurately characterize the blatant lying, but also because so many people need a short soundbite to process what's happening, unfortunately.
  4. He waxes his brows and looks like he's into Botox too. Freaky motherfucker
  5. I knew the deliberately obtuse comment would be incoming.
  6. Cars have a use that is entirely separate from causing destruction.
  7. Have y'all looked at the folks who live on the street? Addiction and mental illness out the ass. Not at all capable of holding jobs. Jesus. If only the world was as simple as "lazy fuckers don't want to work."
  8. Problem is, data isn't on your side. More guns = more gun violence. Ergo, making guns at least more difficult to acquire under certain circumstances means making gun violence less likely. The whole "only criminals will have guns then" is the stupidest damned counterpoint if someone with bad intentions (or not) may have to work harder and/or longer to get that deadly weapon. States that have passed open carry laws have thereafter experienced higher rates of gun incidents. Here's the thing. You really want to get at the underlying, underlying issue? Men. Yep, MEN specifically, are violent fucking animals. Why in the blue hell would I or anyone presume that a guy carrying a gun is a "good" guy with a gun? That guy who is actively armed is one pissed-off moment or stupid impulse or mental breakdown away from not being a good guy. I don't feel at all safe around dudes with guns. And it's usually the gun obsessors who are the weirdos to watch out for. It's such a fetish. Goddamn Americans are weird.
  9. The fact that Russian interference benefited one party and not the other means that this will be forever hopelessly seen as a partisan issue. Thoroughly disgusted that no accountability will ever be brought to bear, in any meaningful way, against any of the smocking guns held by Trump & Co.
  10. The Trump presidency is like porn addiction. We're so numbed that we need increasingly outrageous and "sexy" antics to move the needle.
  11. Won't someone please think of the poor, victimized men with no choices and no ability to run off into the sunset.
  12. The Fetus Fetish, I call it. It's absolutely irrational in relation to the concern for born folks.
  13. Considering that tons of people disagree and there are legitimate reasons for that disagreement, the individual carrying the yet-to-be viable fetus gets to decide. In a sane world.
  14. What do you think the odds are that AISD gets some real relief from the recapture to help fund its own needs? (Considering the lege's motto is "shit on Austin because why not")? I don't mind paying out the ass in property taxes to fund education, and I surely do, but with half of kids here on reduced/free lunch and all the other shortfalls in resources and salary, it is absolute horseshit to be sending that much money away.
  15. Has he been asked about his lie that he didn't know what Mueller thought about his memo/summary when Mueller had told him by letter exactly what he thought?
  16. I'm a chick so I notice these things, just saying Melania's face has never resembled the woman in that photo, no matter how many surgeries ago. Totally different person
  17. ^ tha fuk? Is that real? Because that is (again) not Melania. And of COURSE they'd have Barron in a fecking suit and tie.
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