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Everything posted by Alvin89

  1. Sorry, got Powers and Yates named mixed up.
  2. Yates testified that she heard it first from President Obama. She also made several comments that Comey was keeping her in the dark on matters relating to Flynn.
  3. Sally Yates made multiple requests to unmask Flynn....She testified under oath she "didn't recall" which is horse shit. She hasn't kept a straight story through this entire process. She told the Mueller team that she first learned of the Flynn phone conversation while in the oval office with President Obama. Shortly there after she told the House Intelligence Committee that she first heard of the conversation through the FBI. Comey testified that she heard it first in the oval office meeting as well. She got very nervous about the oval office meeting when she testified before Congress. When asked about it she stated "This is where I get a little uncomfortable." Why is she lying about where she first heard the info from and why doesn't she want to say to Congress that President Obama told her? None of it makes sense.
  4. “The number of unmasking requests by yourself began to go up dramatically in 2014,” Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., noted during his questioning of Power to explain why the topic of unmasking had been raised. “[L]et me then ask you about, sort of, maybe the gravamen of how this came about. And I think it came about over a concern about the leaking of Mike Flynn’s name.” “So, to your knowledge, did you ever make [redacted]?” Schiff asked, likely referring to intercepts of Flynn’s conversations. “I don’t recall making such a request,” Power said. She only made 7 requests.
  5. And in the process got 790 kicked off radio row during the super bowl, got Adam Clanton fired, and was wearing OKC Thunder gear in public even though he worked at the Rockets station.
  6. Innes is working for no salary, strictly commission from advertisers. It’s gonna be funny to hear Palillo hand off the next show to Innes.
  7. I'm sure he was wildly different then.
  8. On April 17, 2012, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA nominated Flynn to be the 18th director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.[33][34] Flynn took command of the DIA in July 2012.[35] He simultaneously became commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and chair of the Military Intelligence Board.
  9. I may have missed it but I didn't see a "gunsmoke" color. If the "Jasper" is similar to what you are looking for these might help. If not then maybe you can still find it on the same companies website. Good Luck https://doublejsaddlery.com/collections/hand-tooleds/products/b160-natural-feather-tooled-stitched-belt?variant=1693137010712 https://doublejsaddlery.com/collections/plains/products/b103-natural-stitched-leather-belt?variant=1693139140632 https://doublejsaddlery.com/collections/classics/products/b619-natural-basket-weave-tooled-belt?variant=12257002324056 https://doublejsaddlery.com/collections/hand-tooleds/products/b125-natural-leather-tooled-belt?variant=1693049683992
  10. https://www.wsj.com/articles/all-the-adam-schiff-transcripts-11589326164?redirect=amp#click=https://t.co/Zb4r2CgeZk
  11. That sure looks like a strange kiss of death as Tiffany cruises to victory.
  12. https://www.newsweek.com/curious-case-michael-flynn-opinion-1503033?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true Forget that Comey had told Congressthe Flynn case was going nowhere and that he failed to raise any concern with his oversight committee about White House interference. Never mind, as FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe would later put it, that "the two people who interviewed [Flynn] didn't think he was lying, [which] was not [a] great beginning of a false statement case." The government managed to threaten and intimidate Flynn anyway, resulting in a formal plea deal and an undisclosed "side deal" to protect his son.
  13. Biden is only the nominee because of nepotism. President Obama literally was caught on camera saying he could be more flexible with Vladimir after he got re-elected and Russia did whatever they wanted from 08-16. That includes meddling in an election while President Obama was still in office. Biden is on tape sniffing peoples hair and having young girls slap his hands away when he touches them in odd manners. With the economy in its current shape Trump could probably be beaten but Biden is not going to do it. Good Job DNC.
  14. I would say pardoning someone that potentially could have damning evidence involving the President and Secretary of State after a complete debacle in overthrowing the leader of a foreign country would be quite strange in itself.
  15. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/299358-doj-drops-charges-against-alleged-libyan-arms-salesman-avoiding
  16. We had a Sheriff deputy come to our house very late one night to tell us that our business next door had it's front door open when it was typically closed and they wanted to make sure nobody had broke into our shop. It was very nice of them however they knocked on our back door at 1 am and kept saying "Sheriffs Department" when my Dad kept screaming through the window he wanted to see a badge before he opened the door. We couldn't see his vehicle because he parked it by our shop and not our house, I think he had a jacket on over his uniform, and he didn't have the hat our local guys wear a lot. So outside him yelling he was a Sheriff we had no idea what this guy was trying to do. My Dad finally said he was armed and if he didn't show his badge they were going to have a problem if he didn't leave immediately. The guy backed up and pulled out a badge and said his name and told us why he was there. That was my first glimpse into how dumb some of these guys can be.
  17. These idiots should be locked up to the maximum sentence. Its not that hard to say they are pieces of shit and this was clearly murder and Lebróns comments were stupid and statistically wildly inaccurate at the same time. How come Lebrón never speaks about stories like the below article? Or we don’t have long threads about it? Was this innocent old lady not hunted down? Selective outage is a hell of a thing. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/las-colinas-grandmother-murdered-by-cable-man-police-say/2274843/%3famp
  18. https://chicago.suntimes.com/2020/5/3/21245049/chicago-weekend-shootings-gun-violence-may-1-4-2020
  19. Has anybody here dealt with these guys before? https://tejasboots.com/
  20. I would love to have a Schraderbrau with Hank
  21. Jemelle Hill has to have something to talk about. Sheesh
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