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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. 4 ICU beds available in TSA-O (Austin metro).
  2. I don’t get it. What does Black Rock becoming a mining investor have to do with bitcoin being eco-friendly?
  3. XYZ


    One thing that Mackovic did that I liked is he used to throw the backup QB in for a series while the game was still on the line. That would probably be useful with these guys.
  4. That movie was thoroughly forgettable.
  5. XYZ

    Sam Ehlinger

    How did your tests go?
  6. Here’s a dengue joke, in Spanish. Whoever gets it first gets a free beer from me. -Doctor, creo que tengo covid -¿Cómo te llamas? -Braian -Es dengue
  7. So the only way to watch this is by having Apple TV+?
  8. So if your travel doesn’t involve Florida your chances of getting caught up in an airplane fistfight are cut in half.
  9. I didn’t imply that somebody should intervene. Go to war with China? Nah, it would end up in a nuclear holocaust. How about we fucking stop buying things from them? Especially important things, such as every goddamn chemical precursor there is. Fuck the Chinese Communist Party.
  10. No need. China will invade Taiwan and nobody will do a goddamn thing about it. The end.
  11. Not sure why so much pessimism. Sure, QB/WR needs a lot of work, but the running game looks strong and for the first time in I don’t know how long we seem to have a really good defense.
  12. I see the headline “stocks plunge”, I look at the indices and SPY is down like 0.5%. What happened to market corrections?
  13. So you’re saying that the lazy ones are worse than the “fuck that” ones.
  14. I have a question. In Infinity War Thor is able to drive his axe into Thanos’ chest even with Thanos having all six infinity stones. Fast forward to Endgame, and it’s Thanos with ZERO infinity stones versus Thor (with the axe AND the hammer) plus Captain America and Ironman, and he thoroughly kicks their asses. Shouldn’t Thor alone with those two mighty weapons be able to easily kill Thanos?
  15. I’m in no position to comment on this…but this is surly so why the fuck not. J&J is pretty similar to Pfizer/Moderna. The vector is different, but once the recipe to make spike protein goes into your cells, the rest is the same. Do you have any idea what created the adverse reaction? If it’s the spike protein, then J&J vaccine would also fuck you up.
  16. Have you considered trying to move on to the next stage, bargaining or depression or whatever? Seriously, anger is not good for you.
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