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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. This is true about the Uruguayans. They even have developed a technique for carrying their thermos and mate while they go about their business and do things such as riding a bus.
  2. XYZ

    Euro 2020/2021

    What a pussy way to kick penalties for England.
  3. That Heineken “socialize responsibly” ad can fuck right off.
  4. Everybody stay the fuck away from New Mexico. It’s a shithole. Don’t come here…I mean don’t go there.
  5. How do you raise testosterone naturally? Only way I know is lifting heavy weights.
  6. It’s not for vaccinated people. I don’t know about kids.
  7. I have a tiny amount of BTC in BRD wallet, but if I type the address on blockchain.info, it shows zero balance. WTF is up with that?
  8. XYZ

    Fat People

    That looks disgusting, whatever it is.
  9. XYZ

    Fat People

    Don’t eat at restaurants.
  10. So do you hold BTC long-term? Or is BTC a trading thing for you?
  11. XYZ

    Fat People

    Don’t you ever get tired of shitposting?
  12. So, hmmm, the thread is about the next Austin, and you decided to take Dalhart off the list???
  13. XYZ

    Fat People

    Strawman fallacy.
  14. XYZ

    Fat People

    That’s some deep stuff right there.
  15. XYZ

    Fat People

    What does your FIL eat?
  16. If you decided to buy some crypto to hold long term, like years, which one would you get?
  17. XYZ

    Formula 1 2021

    I say the two times Pérez ran Leclerc off the track were fucking awesome.
  18. XYZ

    Fat People

    So you think that an order of fries has 1,000 calories?
  19. XYZ

    Formula 1 2021

    This is like deja vu all over again.
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