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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. Of course not. That’s why I’m grateful that they focus on guns and abortions.
  2. Holy shit, good to know that abortion and guns are the topics that the legislature is most concerned with.
  3. Why would Christians have a problem with the existence of aliens?
  4. I have the same predicament. Life has kind of kicked my ass over the past three years, and it’s not that my situation sucks (it doesn’t currently), but I’ve lost the little amount of “funness” that I used to have. Like when I see people getting drunk in movies and doing crazy shit, or people laughing or a parent having a great time with his child...all that is foreign to me. I think I have PTSD from parenting, but I don’t know what to do about it.
  5. Unvaccinated rurals??? How dare they invade our beautiful Austin? I mean, what the fuck have those people ever done for us...other than grow the food that we eat. Fuck them!
  6. In my opinion, to say that “UFOs are real” is disingenuous. What do they mean by that?
  7. XYZ

    Sam Ehlinger

    Just heard that Sam signed a $3.6 million contract.
  8. It’s difficult to take your post seriously when your username is “lmao”.
  9. Ah, yes, “off-chain” transactions. That sounds safe.
  10. But what about anal probing??? Was any of that involved?
  11. Don’t worry, my opinion won’t affect anything. The only person in my household on whose behalf I make medical decisions (me) is fully vaccinated.
  12. Keep posting alien-related stuff, you assholes! I’m bored!
  13. Yes, they are way ahead of Texas by some metrics and on par with Texas by others, and they are not significantly worse off than Texas by any metric. Percentage fully vaccinated: NM 45%, Texas 33% Covid deaths: NM 0.5 per day per million people, Texas 1.5 per day per million people New daily cases: NM 87 per million people, Texas 73 per million people Covid hospitalizations: NM 8 per 100k people, Texas 9 per 100k people
  14. Nope, NM Department of Health order dated May 14, 2021: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001LMviXkV8rM9XTZ8fjdgEnqTjLdWl0GEb3XRT_t5_glvAn4TY5iDqtRMZUS2DZBKEQAarWhDxQQ-BMojcrsx1t7F_LwBDkqkkIDs1OKbdVUGw-QYE_tstONckaiW699fRr8jVRRppvWGMgiaaJLy062xmrLDT08beL3ssxKbQ9iqSSWOJ4H74roGCIb1HR-2yQYvjVd-AE1NdUa0cFr5C27r8dhZ-NZCNG4LpmQOAPZE=&c=zLFX3A8V7puTJNiDfSZzhID3VmCaX2_vlmDHX1a1nq12JV2cMU8vjw==&ch=WwfckCOJYSpvJZvlKp5B2-IZ7sEw7pjO3kYFZR1YstQTYGw52X9hpw==&jrc=1
  15. Meanwhile New Mexico is in full freakout mode (“stay home” order). WTF?
  16. That article is compelling, but assuming that guy is right and Lazar made that shit up in order to not get in bigger trouble, why would he keep talking about it? Why did he appear on Rogan two years ago? What does he have to gain by talking?
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