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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thetexashammer

  1. Sorry you have the poors. You make less the $50k.
  2. I stored up guns and ammo and 30rd magazines. I should have stored up N95 masks. Damn you all to hell.
  3. It's been well documented that a lot of people live in an echo chamber. Because they only see one side presented,those people are unable to form educated opinions. You can only form an educated opinion by understanding both arguments, and both the liberal and conservative press only present one side. Or you can decide that everyone who disagrees with you in a nazi, and not worth engaging with. It turns you into a caricature of an adult human being, but most people who post here nowadays only care about the dopamine hit of faux moral superiority. They've been reduced to teenagers. It's why they respond to arguments with insults and ridicule. Every media outlet has a position. I don't think you can reasonably consume media with understanding the position of the source of the information. So identifying Fox as being biased is incredibly irrelevant. Everybody's biased.
  4. I have the skill to more or less identify the trap. What i lack is the motivation to give a shit. If you give in once, you give in forever.
  5. Fact checking the fact checkers. Hilarious. It's insane that any adult human actually believed what Politico is claiming to believe.
  6. Isaiah Simmons was a 3* out of Kansas. He's 6"4' and 230 lbs. He ran 4.39. How does Clemson get these guys?
  7. What about talking from the shitter?
  8. If you earn 20% on year 1, 0% year 2, you average 10% and have $1.20. If you earn 10% and then 10%, you have $1.21. So volatility has a real dollar cost. Dollar cost averaging is the best strategy mathematically. You're buying more when stuff is cheap. Better plan is to inherit money or marry it.
  9. A lot of cities are densely populated and people are forced into close proximity to each. Subways, markets, busses and trains. If you are immunological naive, you get infected. Only a letter of time. Worst thing is that people are going to kill their own relatives.
  10. Boarding at Heathrow for Italy. Plane's pretty empty. Rightintothedangerzone/Kenny Loggins
  11. Yeah but the Fed is worthless. A secular earnings decline does not justify intervention. That is not what the Fed is for.
  12. Epps to what position? He's too tall for corner isn't he?
  13. One October Monday in 1989, the Dow dropped 20%. The market ended up for the calendar year. That was 30 years ago, and it dropped from ~2500 to ~2000. Meaning its increased 15x, which is >30x if you reinvested dividends.
  14. I think it was High Hendry who said "Now would be a good time to panic".
  15. Consider the infected flight attendant. There is no one more likely to catch it, or to be more effective at spreading it. Is anyone IRL telling family to stock up? I have fam who will likely die, even if they just run out of meds.
  16. Hat tip to the mormons and their year supply of food. Sneaky weird underoos wearing bastards.
  17. My pick for breakout player. Like Bru was before he got fat.
  18. There's a thread in the cloak room for you to evaluate the president's performance.
  19. Y'all ever been on a Korean subway? It's something like what a Mexican prison would be like. Korea is an unaccompanied tour, there are few to no families there, just a lot of korean girlfriends.
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