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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thetexashammer

  1. Hahahaha CNN, I wish I could quit you. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/cortneyobrien/2019/09/10/cia-rebuke-wasnt-enoughgop-rep-wants-investigation-into-cnn-spy-story-n2552866
  2. It's a parliamentary system. Do you know what that means? It most certainly does not mean that Tories get 33% of the seats.
  3. When the law was passed, Boris immediately stated that he would ask for an extension "over my dead body" or they could "pry Brexit from my cold dead hands" or some other colorful language. That's why they need to get rid of him. If they don't, Brexit happens.
  4. I didn't say that remain would win. I said they could have had their referendum. I have no idea how it would turn out. i just know it wont happen. Brexit is scheduled for October 31. Why did the Parliament pass a law to try and stop it? Because it happens on Oct 31 if theu do nothing. None of my facts are wrong. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_next_United_Kingdom_general_election Again, they can stop it whenever they want to. They've proposed other PMs than Jeremy, and can't get a deal. You know damn well why they didn't go to an election. And so does every halfway intelligent person.
  5. Basically what happened was Parliament had plenty of time over the last several months to come up with a plan to stop Brexit. For months, they could have done their "vote of no confidence", obviously these 21+ defections didn't just happen overnight. There were many different paths to stopping Brexit. But they didn't agree on one. The most recent and likely path, which would have guaranteed to a 100% certainty the stoppage of Brexit, involved putting Jeremy in charge of a caretaker government in advance of a general election and a second refendum. This was met with a collective "fuck you Jeremy". I don't know why they did this. It would have stopped Brexit and given them the referendum they claim to want. Jeremy's a piece of shit, but it would have been very short term, and it was the only way to stop Brexit. Labour is clearly the 2nd biggest party. 100% Brexit would not have happened. Now they pass a law "forcing" the PM to ask for a delay, and BoJo says fuck off he won't do it. Well Parliament can replace him, call a vote of no confidence, call for a general election. Weirdly, they voted on a general election this evening. The motion was not passed. Weird. All these people complaining about BoJo and coups and democracy, and they turn around and reject, categorically, a general election. So weird. Why did they want to keep BoJo as PM? Sausage is being made. And sausage is, generally speaking, fantastic. Even the black pudding. Good stuff. But seriously, there is an electoral majority for Brexit. If they go to an election, or even a referendum, Brexit wins. That's why they're doing this dance, pretending there's a coup and a great outrage. It's a form of surrender. I doesn't mean Brexit is right or good, but it does appear to signifiy giving up. If they had the votes, it would be easy, just do the election, plenty of time to stop it. They don't, so they're pissing in everyone's Wheaties. But it's all sturm und drang, Brexit appears to be happening.
  6. Meltdown threads are best threads. You're not wrong though.
  7. They miss this guy. Member the good old days?
  8. "I just hope we are still ranked after this one"/texags
  9. I think it was Herbie who said this morning that A&M could be a "strong playoff contender" if they win three of the five top ten teams they play. They'll be lucky to win even one.
  10. This game feels more importamnt to me than any other game. I feel like it's the whole season in a game. After dominating Georgia i cant handle a loss to these clowns. They"re like half as good as Georgia.
  11. UN says we only have ten years before nations are wiped off the map and we have millions of eco-refugees. https://apnews.com/bd45c372caf118ec99964ea547880cd0
  12. I would never use the word tipple because it makes it sound like I have a dick halfway up my ass.
  13. Fantstic Shapiro rant. Didn't know the dude was a comedian.
  14. Well, we agree that you can do that. But you would be wrong.
  15. Just tuned it. Was that...........Is that who I think it is??????????????? Could it be?????? YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH IIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTSSSS S PETROS!!!!!!!!
  16. @JimmyJames You picked a fight and lost. I don't start fights with you because it's not fair to you. Brisket is intelligent and interesting. He's got a sense of humor. He's a good guy. I know he is a person of good character. You're none of those things. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/eu-referendum-result-7-graphs-that-explain-how-brexit-won-eu-explained-a7101676.html
  17. This is what you said: Do you still believe that or not? If you believe it, why won't you take my bourbon? Maker's Mark Cask Strength. Let's do it.
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