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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thetexashammer

  1. That's your smoking gun? Oh man, that is rich. I needed a good laugh and that delivered. Look, we agree. He should be impeached. We just have different reasoning.
  2. Here's the quote from Trump: Trump didn't follow up on it. Seems like it wasn't that important.
  3. A whole lot of people on your side have been repeatedly arguing that Dems are overplaying their hand. I will state again, many Democrats agree with me. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/11/us/politics/who-won-the-debate.html
  4. I admit my assumption was that you were trying to insult me by saying I was gay. What that intended as a compliment? How did you intend it?
  5. When Trump tells Barr to look into the Hunter Biden/Ukraine thing, what is that called? Is it called, as Loretta Lynch once stipulated, a mere "matter"? No, it's proper term is an investigation.
  6. Biden used his office for personal benefit. Of course it is under investigation. You aren't exempt from the law because you're a politician.
  7. Actually, to get techical, I made a prediction. The prediction is pretty much what happens to the approval rating. Let's compare the before and after approval rating according to RCP on the date of impeachment to the date of acquittal. That is the test.
  8. Or, and I'm just spitballing here, they could do their jobs. Pass laws and budgets and such. You know, legislate? But what do I know, I'm just dumb as a bag of hammers. You've said it twice yourself. At best it's irrelevant. Here's a letter threatening the leader of Ukraine unless he assists us with an investigation. Weird, it's not from Trump and also wasn't a crime.
  9. You have 221 votes in favor now. But I'm starting to get worried they won't do it. The Pelosi thing was kind of a farce, a stalling tactic, but it created lots of momentum. The problem is, cooler heads are likely to prevail if they don't act on the moment. There's nothing blocking articles of impeachment tomorrow. Lots of Democrats, especially the older more experienced ones, have serious reservations. And rightly so. Regardles, I have been on record supporting this for a long time. I could be wrong. We'll see.
  10. So if Trump is around 42% now, then Clinton was at 57% and ended at 73%. So let's assign a preliminary value of a shitty impeachment of +16%. But I am sure you will dazzle the public with talk of emoluments and phone calls.
  11. What was Bill Clinton's approval rating after he got impeached?
  12. I appear to have/had the same opinioin as Nancy Pelosi. Why don't you ask her why she was opposed to it? You have an entire internet worth of information at your fingertips. Why don't you do the research and form your own opinion? Doesn't it show poor judgment to seek the counsel of a dumb as a bag of hammers lying racist? I am so excited. We get to have an impeachment. This is just amazing and wonderful stuff. I think it was a necessary step really.
  13. Realistically, if they impeach, it almost guarantees he gets reelected.
  14. Here's the text of BoJo's speech to Commons today. When Parliament voted to "force the PM to ask for an extension", that was a cop out. Boris says he won't do it. But it's not a stalemate, because Brexit happens on Oct 31. So Parliament has to pass a law repealing Brexit before that date. That is the question. Will they do it? Do they have the balls? Of course, in the meantime, Parliament will be asked on a daily basis to call an election. It's embarrassing. Many of the MPs know they won't get reelected, and so they refuse to vote no confidence. And they do it because the next Parliament looks to have a Brexit majority. It's like the final scene in The Candidate, after Redford wins the election, and he says "So what do we do now?" and there is no answer. Parliament is back in session, now they have to do something. But Parliament is just like our Congress, they're a bunch of useless idiots, fools, and cowards. I lean towards believing they're more corrupt than incompetent, and so they repeal Brexit. But who knows.
  15. Odds as of this posting appear to be around 64%. https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/3537/Will-Donald-Trump-be-impeached-in-his-first-term
  16. You mean, after Trump gets reelected?
  17. I raise a glass to you, good sir.
  18. 218 Congresspersons are now in favor of impeachment. https://www.politico.com/interactives/2019/house-reps-who-would-vote-for-trump-impeachment-our-latest-list/
  19. Great you got an INT but he fell down costing us six points. Dude needs to train harder.
  20. https://www.msn.com/en-sg/news/other/uk-port-of-dover-says-its-100percent-ready-for-no-deal-brexit/ar-AAHytC8?li=BBr8Mkj
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