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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thetexashammer

  1. As a practical matter, it gets you to about 99% certainty that she married her brother and committed immigration fraud. On the upside, she's kinda hot and likes to fuck.
  2. Only name I recognize is TexAgs. Tihs thread is about the squad, who provide me with great amusement. In general, I prefer to discuss the facts relating to the issue I am discussing, rather than resorting to ad hominem. Just because the Daily Mail reports she married her brother doesn't mean she did. She definitely married someone with the same name as her brother.
  3. You made a factual error. I didn't want to be a dick and point it out to you.
  4. Your reading skills need some buffing up.
  5. "I didn't marry my brother. I did not commit immigration fraud." https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ilhan-omar-did-marry-her-brother-explosive-new-report-confirms
  6. DACA was (cough cough) not statutury. Obama spent billions without appropriations, which is what normal people would call theft. Murdering an American teen eating hummus in Yemen. The list is really, really long. He ({almost) literally said, once he couldn't get shit form Congress, that he would just make shit up. Not excusing Trump or Obama, just saying that corruption is obviously not a one party issue. I mean, look at FDR. Dude just did as he pleased and didn't give a fuck either way. Reagan - Iran/Contra. It's a bipartisan tradition.
  7. So, time to buy rice by the 40lb bag or no? I'm leaving for northern Italy in a week.
  8. Business travel boils down to points, a book, and something to knock your ass out on command.
  9. I won't tell you who he reminds me of. But he reminds me of someone whose name rhymes with Skyler Furry.
  10. You should try raising Africanized bees. OK but seriously I was walking around in rural Northern Italy and there was a lady selling honey. I bought a couple of small jars, 5 euros each. I say got damn that was some good shit. You don't appreciate the flavor of natural products if you just buy industrial shit at the grocery store. I believe the honey was labeled as lavendar. Real hones is a little like venison, it picks up the flavor of what the animals eat and so there are dramatic differences between products sourced in different environments.
  11. Cured is off the hook in my opinion. Really good cocktails too. But I fucking love meat and cheese. Rosario's has always seemed just entirely overrated to me. Good margaritas, but their menu couldn't be more generic.
  12. Can an analyst not be worth the money and time? Saban's about to find out.
  13. Sanders campaign manager says Fox has been more fair than MSNBC. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/bernie-sanders-campaign-manager-slams-msnbc-says-fox-news-more-fair/ First they came for Elizabeth, and I didn't say anything. Then they came for Bernia, and I said nothing.
  14. Our media is simply disgusting. Tom Cotton wants to ask the question of where COVID19 came from, and the media went apeshit in defending China. Why do they defend China? What is their interest in protecting the totalitarian genociders, outside of their common ideologic leanings? https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/goper-tom-cotton-slammed-for-pushing-china-virus-conspiracy-one-step-removed-from-anti-vaxxer-rubbish/ WaPo claims it was "already debunked". How could even have done that? You don't have access to the informatin required to know that. Only China has that information. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/02/16/tom-cotton-coronavirus-conspiracy/ The WaPo is fucking straight up lying. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/02/republican-senator-tom-cotton-regurgitating-coronavirus-conspiracy-theories.html https://www.salon.com/2020/02/17/without-evidence-tom-cotton-suggests-that-the-coronavirus-is-chinese-biological-warfare_partner/ https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/483354-sen-cotton-repeats-coronavirus-origins-conspiracy-theory Does the Lancet publish consipiracy theories? I don't think so. A report stated there was no connection between the index case and the mear market. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30183-5/fulltext Why can't you ask the question? Would it be so hard to believe? Why does the media protect the powerful, they were supposed to defend the people against the powerful entities which abuse the people. That was their job. No, it probably wasn't the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but it's entirely reasonable to point out that the coincidence is more than a few sigmas from the mean. China deserves ZERO benefit of the doubt, but the corporate media cover for the ChiComs because why? Because Tom Cotton is Republican? WTF? Corporate media protecting corporate interests. Disgusting.
  15. Apparently, Lena Dunham made her "runway debut".
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